TITLE: If My Body Could Speak
AUTHOR: Blythe Baird
RELEASE DATE: February 5th, 2019
GENRE: Poetry/Nonfic
AGE RANGE: AdultIf My Body Could Speak is about fighting for the space one takes up in a world that would rather they take up none at all.
Wow. Just… wow. I have a new favorite modern poet, full stop. Never has any poetry book resonated with me quite as hard as this one did. It’s so unapologetically feminist, bold, brave, body-accepting, queer, rape-decrying, angry, broken, beautiful and I never wanted it to end. I can count eight poems I would tattoo on my body right this very moment. Wow.
Whether she was talking about eating disorders, surviving sexual assault, or coming to recognize her own love for other women, I related so damn much to every bit of it. And I wish I didn’t, and I wish she didn’t get it, because nobody deserves to go through the things that we and so many other people on this planet have been through, but it feels so good to be seen.
I don’t even have words. I’d rather just offer you some of Blythe’s.
This is not female privilege,
this is survival of the prettiest.
We are playing the first game
we learned how to.
I have run out of compassion for wolves. I have run
out of compassion for anyone who isn’t outraged.
Watch me build an empire from the ashes
of everything that tried to destroy me.
Content warnings for rape, abuse, misogyny, eating disorders
All quotes come from an advance copy and may not match the final release. Thank you so much to Button Poetry for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Laura Beth
March 18, 2019Wow!!
Arya D. @Arya's Fangirl Lexicon
March 18, 2019I had no idea she was publishing a collection! I’ve watch tons of her spoken word on YouTube through the years! I’m so excited to get to read her peoms! I’m glad you liked them!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 30, 2019She is so amazing!! I hope you love it!
March 18, 2019This sounds stunning, I need to read it asap because wow. ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 30, 2019YES, you totally do! I hope you get the chance to ASAP!
Kelly | Another Book in the Wall
March 18, 2019This sounds AMAZING! Thank you for bringing this book to my attention, Destiny! I hadn’t heard of it before! Super excited to read it some time! Wonderful review! ☺️
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 30, 2019Thank you, lovely!! I hope you like it as much as I did! <3
Sofii @ A Book. A Thought.
March 18, 2019I had never heard of this book before but now that I know you liked it, is definitely on my radar. Besides, that cover is so GOOD ???
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 30, 2019It’s such a good cover!! And so many good quotes!! And such a good… EVERYTHING haha! I hope you like it ♥
March 19, 2019Omg I had no clue that Blythe was publishing a poetry book! I’ve been listening to her spoken word for years (literally can recite “when the fat girl gets skinny” word-for-word, I’m that obsessed with it), so I cant wait for this. I’m glad you enjoyed it :))
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 30, 2019I love that!! <3 Then this book is totally made for you and I hope you love it!
the pretty poems
June 28, 2019i want this book right now!!!
I know i’ve read Blythe before but I can’t remember where
July 1, 2019Argh – I completely agree. This collection did things to me. I reviewed it in detail here and gave it 5 stars too 🙂 https://tostevinwrites.com/2019/07/01/poetry-collection-review-if-my-body-could-speak-by-blythe-baird/