State of the ARC #14: Needing some new motivation…

August 26, 2019

Big conversations to be had in this one… Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see what I mean, and comment below with any advice you might have! ♥


My current State of the ARC…



August’s Progress…


Since my last State of the ARC post, I have completed 7 review copies! (Holy crap… I think this is the lowest number of ARCs I’ve completed in any given month SINCE I STARTED REVIEWING THEM.)

I also DNFed and/or set aside (for now!) 3 review copies:

  • DNF (permanently):
    • The Gossamer Mage
    • The Quintessential Quintuplets, Vol. 1
  • Might pick up again later:
  • DEFINITELY picking up again later:
    • Salvation Day

In Progress:

Right now, I have 3 review copies in progress.


I also acquired 46 new review copies (12 physical, 34 digital), with 1 of them being unsolicited (meaning I didn’t request or accept it) and 1 left out of the collage below (because it doesn’t have a cover yet).

Yeah. I honestly didn’t know it was that bad until I put this post together… which is what brings me to my next section.

ARC ban:

Back in June, I said I was going on an ARC ban. I did great for about 3 weeks, but the end of July steamrolled me and my misguided self-care was ALL THE ARCS. I continued to be an epic failure at sticking to my ban through all of August (as you can see from the numbers), but I’m determined not to let this be a thing anymore. There are a few things I plan on doing to help motivate myself away from the review copies!

Image result for back off gif

The first step I’ve taken, you’ll already know if you read my Sunday Post from yesterday: every weekend, I’ll take the time to be transparent with you all about how my ban went that week, what helped keep me on track, etc.

The second step is related to my reward-based Points Tracking System that you may have heard me mention, especially if you follow me on Twitter. If you missed that conversation, it’s something that has been proven to help people with ADHD and Executive Function Disorder (it me!) stay on track of short-term goals like daily chores and tasks. Essentially, you earn “points” for completing tasks on your to-do list, and you can redeem those points for “prizes” (for example, 350 points can snag me a kindle sale title for $2 or less, but a $15 Steam game requires 2,500 points).

My spouse (who also has EFD) and I have been trying this for about two weeks now, and it’s been AMAZINGLY motivating, so I added my ARC ban into it: I lose points with every review copy I haul! I lose:

  • 100pts for manga/graphic novels/poetry collections
  • 200pts for novellas (200pg or less, more precisely)
  • 300pts for anything above 200pg
  • 0pts for children’s picture books (because I need to start checking out more eARCs of these for ordering purposes at work)

This goes into effect today, though I won’t count points off for anything I accepted or requested before this week (as I do have a couple of review copies on their way to me currently). I really think this is going to help, because I’m not viewing it as “punishing” myself for hauling review copies, but I am viewing it as a sacrifice — am I willing to give up a $2 kindle book that I might have had on my wishlist for a while just to haul another review copy I might not enjoy or get to before its release? I hope it’ll make me stop and really think about things before going request-happy like I usually do, so I guess we’ll meet back here this time next month to see if it worked! ?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. This sounds like an interesting system! Are you also gaining points for not requesting anything for a certain time? Or you ‘only’ gain points from you to-do list?
      I hope it works out!

    1. The reward system definitely works. I know because I have tried a system close to yours. But depending upon how well you have fleshed it out, be prepared to constantly tweak it.
      Only saying this because I found loopholes in my “system”. For instance I had points for relatively easy tasks too. So when points were easy to gain, losing them did not hurt as much, if you know what I mean.
      Then I picked the top 3 tasks for the day, and only assigned points to getting them done – Mon to Fri. That way accomplishing those tasks meant something to me (contributed to my goals), and I was also earning points for a reward on the weekend.
      That being said, I think your system along with your Sunday check in, might work great together. Because there is built in accountability. I did not have that, so had to rely on weekend rewards.
      Either way, I wish you the best with this. 🙂

    1. I hope these methods end up working for you! I’ve recently had to have some rules in place for NetGalley and library loans myself because I was getting overwhelmed by my TBR. It’s only a few months later and already I feel a lot calmer after making some progress. I hope your systems do the same for you! I can’t wait to hear how things go in your next Sunday Post!

    1. *cries* You have a copy of Dark and Deepest Red?? I hope you love it whenever you get around to it!
      Also, I died at the Colin Farrell gif! ???
      Okay, honestly, your review tracking system sounds amazing, I hope it continues to work out for you! ❤❤

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