10 TV Shows I Want to Watch in 2019 [#Project14Lists no. 5]

December 22, 2018

(image credit goes to Shealea!)

This is my FIFTH post in the #Project14Lists series, hosted by Shealea at That Bookshelf Bitch! You can find more information here, as well as a thread of my posts for the event here.

Previous #Project14Lists Posts:
1. Winter TBR
2. #Short-a-Thon: Graphic Novel/Manga Goals
3. 2019’s General “Life” Resolutions & Goals
4. 2019’s Reading Resolutions & Goals

Today’s #Project14Lists post is…

10 TV Shows I Want to Watch in 2019!

I don’t watch much TV, but as I mentioned in my life goals list for the new year, I want to start taking more time to relax and veg out with movies or television shows. There are so many shows I want to either catch up on or start from the beginning, so here’s a list of a few of them—maybe you all can help me decide which one to prioritize first!

1. DEXTER — s5→s8

I’ve seen the first 4 seasons plus half of season 5, but never finished the show! (I actually will probably restart this one since it’s been a couple of years.)
Image result for dexter gif

2. SHERLOCK — s3

This is another one I might restart before catching up on, but I never watched season 3 of Sherlock! *gasp* I know, blasphemy.
Image result for sherlock gif


I honestly would love to know how many of you, knowing what a horror fiend I am, will be shocked to know that I have only ever seen the first episode of Stranger Things. Wild, right? I definitely need to fix that ASAP because I already know I’m going to love it!
Image result for stranger things gif


Technically, this one hasn’t started yet, but I know it’s beginning in 2019, which means I want to watch it in 2019! I adored the manga and the original adaptation, and am working my way through a series reread right now to prepare for the reboot. Have you all seen this artwork?! *swoon*
Image result for fruit basket reboot


This is another one I’m surprised I never got around to watching much of, but my spouse loved it back in the day and has been begging me to watch it lately, so it’s gotta go on the list!
Image result for bleach gif


I loved the first season of Penny Dreadful a lot, but never got around to finishing it, so that’s gotta happen some time soon—hopefully before the new spin-off starts off (which I think is expected at the end of 2019).
Image result for penny dreadful gif


Another one that shocks even me, but I’ve only seen the first episode of this one! This is different from the rest in that it isn’t forgetfulness or laziness that’s held me back, but the fact that my spouse has been working crazy hours lately and we never get the chance to watch TV together, but this is one they want to watch with me. We’re going to make time for this one soon, no matter what!
Image result for the haunting of hill house gif

8. WOLF’S RAIN — rewatch

This is a random one I had to put on here, because I loved Wolf’s Rain as a kid, but haven’t seen it in SO LONG. I noticed a few days ago, while considering subbing to Funimation’s streaming service, that they have it, so I’m pretty sure that will be one of the first things I watch whenever I follow through on that subscription!
Image result for wolf's rain gif

9. GREY’S ANATOMY — rewatch + ???

Funny story about Grey’s: I’ve watched seasons 1-7 at least 5 or 6 times through, but I never manage to convince myself to go past somewhere in season 8 or early season 9. I just can’t ever bring myself to do it for some reason (probably because I know about the pain awaiting me once I do continue). I definitely am in the mood lately to rewatch those first several seasons, but will 2019 be the year I finally catch up? Nobody knows!
Image result for greys anatomy gif

10. BREAKING BAD — rewatch

Breaking Bad is one of my all-time favorite shows, and I’m long overdue for a series rewatch, plus my spouse has somehow still never seen more than a few episodes, and what kind of wife would I be if I didn’t do something to fix this injustice?!
Image result for breaking bad gif

(I would still take a bullet for Jesse Pinkman)

Which of these shows do you think I should watch first? Are any of these favorites of yours, or do you have any TV shows you’d like to watch soon? What are your favorite types of TV shows? (If you couldn’t tell, mine seem to be horror, drama, and fantasy!)


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ooh this is a nice list! I have a weird relationship with Stranger Things. While watching it, I’m kind of “meh” about it. Then a little time goes by, and suddenly I start thinking of it as a favorite show. That happened to me with both seasons. The Haunting of Hill House was one of my favorites that I watched this year, and I really hope you both enjoy it 🙂

      1. Thank you! Haha I know what you mean, I was like that with Breaking Bad for the first couple of seasons – it wasn’t until I looked back on it that I realized how much I loved it. ? I do it with books a lot, too.

    1. Great list! Omg you have to finish the haunting of hill house! It’s freaking amazing! And totally binge-worthy! I sound quite excited, but I just loved the show. And Sherlock s3 is good too! I haven’t seen stranger things s2, but s1 was quite good. I am yet to check out the others though.

    1. The last season of Penny Dreadful was so disappointing? probably cuz they just needed to end it. I didn’t know about the spinoff so I’m excited about that!

    1. Ahh I LOVED dexter !!
      Ive been wanting to rewatch cardcaptor Sakura, and then try the new Sabrina serie .. I’ve been loving paranormal survivors lately; started the season 2 yesterday (sadly only has two seasons.. merp)

      1. I haven’t seen the new Sabrina yet, either! I heard such mixed reviews that I haven’t fully committed to whether I want to see it or not. ? What is Paranormal Survivors?! That sounds interesting ?

        1. If you love paranormal shows, this is for you !!
          basically some real-life ghost stories some people had experienced

    1. How have you managed to only watch episode one of stranger things! I watched the first with a friend and we ended up watching the whole thing ?. Season 2 is great as well

    1. I love pretty much everything on your list! Well, I don’t watch anime so I can’t speak for that. But everything else! I am DYING to rewatch Penny Dreadful…and The Haunting of Hill House…and I need to catch up on Grey’s!

        1. I think I fell off after the first couple episodes of last season. So they’re in season 15 now (omg!!)…I’ll probably pick up at the beginning of 14 just to cover a little background. Pretty sure I finished 13….

          1. It’s wild, how long the show has been running! It actually amazes me that it’s been going this long and people don’t feel like it’s overstayed its welcome, like people usually come to feel about shows that last past 5-6 seasons.

    1. The Fruits Basket reboot!!!!!! ??? I’m not emotionally prepared for it. I think I’m going to marathon all the manga before it’s officially released!

      1. Awww, Momiji pulls on all of my mom-heartstrings and makes me cry lol! He’s so precious and pitiful. My favorite character as a kid was always Shigure, though, but as an adult, I think it might be Kyo because I feel so sorry for him. They’re honestly ALL so precious!

    1. Stranger Things is my FAVORITE show at the moment. I was hooked from episode 1 and then just binge watched the first season in a day during the summer. Then came the second season and I loved the show even more. Can’t wait for the third season, I know I’m going to love it. I hope you do too!

      1. Oooh, that’s awesome! I’m really looking forward to it. I feel like I will be STUNNED if I don’t love it! Maybe I should just binge it this week instead of saving it for the new year. 😀

    1. I never got past season 6 in Grey’s. But I have watched all of House 4 times, so I think it’s fine!! I am also looking forward to more of Veronica Mars!!

      1. Honestly, the first 5 seasons of Grey’s could have been enough on their own, IMO. ? Like, I don’t mind the seasons past those that I’ve seen, but I would’ve been content to leave it there. I’ve never seen Veronica Mars but everyone is always telling me I would like it so I might check it out soon!

        1. Veronica Mars is highly addictive and it’s got such a great cast too. It’s really funny, but also super dark. I hope you check it out!

    1. please do watch sherlock! it’s one of my favorite show ever and i’ve watched each episodes a couple of times haha. also i’ve never watched stranger things too but hopefully i will next year!

      1. I definitely am going to be catching up on Sherlock ASAP! I adored the first 2 seasons. I think the only reason I haven’t seen season 3 is because I ship John and Sherlock so hard and I know it’s not happening. ??

    1. I don’t watch any of these – they’re not my types of shows – but have fun! I’m looking forward to hopefully catching up on iZombie. Finally. Lol.

    1. This is such a great idea! I think I should make a list of priority TV shows too… I’ve never watched Breaking Bad before, so maybe that should be on the list. I’ve never watched Fruits Basket, but I just bought volume 1 of the manga! I do adore Stranger Things, I hope you’ll like it too 🙂

      1. Thank you, Jolien! You totally should, I’d love to see it. 🙂 Oh man, Breaking Bad is incredible if you’re into that kind of drama. It was just so masterfully crafted and the ending is flawless. It was a rare case where the showrunner decided to leave the audience wanting more instead of running it into the ground, and I applaud him forever for that because it worked! I did hear they’re working on a spin-off, though, which I’m also really excited for. ? I hope you enjoy Fruits Basket!! Prepare for endless sweet cuteness and quiet, tender sad moments, lol. And thank you, I’m excited for Stranger Things!

    1. Wait omg?? They’re rebooting Fruits Basket?? I must immediately add it to my watchlist! You’re in for a grand time with these shows aghh. I personally think that Season 3 of Sherlock was the best out of the bunch. And you’re in for a treat with Stranger Things. I hope you’ll have a grand time binging these next year. ?

      1. Yessss! We don’t have a release date yet besides it being some time in 2019. It’s going to be released directly to Funimation which is why I was eyeing their subscription package a few days ago. ? I think it’s only $5-6 a month. Thank you, Bianca!

    1. I need to watch Sherlock. Benedict Cumberbatch is perfect. & I want to watch Hawaii Five-O, it’s time for me to catch up on the latest seasons.

    1. Dexter! I love that show, it was so good… except for the ending (unfortunately). But the rest of the series was amazingly good!
      The Haunting of Hill House is on my list too!
      I always want to rewatch Grey’s but who has time to watch 15 seasons?! … instead I started watching ER which is also 15 seasons! So far I’m really liking it. It has drama, not as much as Grey’s but it’s still really good. It really focuses on the medicine.
      Great list! 🙂

      1. Yeah, I am dreading the end of Dexter just a little bit because I’ve heard so many people say they dislike it! ? And I laughed a little at “who has time for 15 seasons? ER on the other hand” because I do the same thing with shows sometimes. ? My mom loved ER when it was airing so I grew up watching it and remember thinking it was neat, but it never really caught my interest enough to go back and rewatch it as an adult. I hope you enjoy it all the way through! 😀

        1. Haha, take your time with Dexter! 🙂 I don’t think I’ve heard a positive thing about the ending.
          Ha! Right?! As much as I love Grey’s & it is such a guilty pleasure for me, I just don’t have time to go back and re-watch it all. Although I know I’ve missed seasons in-between because I was so back and forth with the show.
          But I’d rather start something new and ER has been on my list for a long time. The library actually has all 15 seasons so I’ve been renting it out!
          Thank you! I am enjoying it so far! Definitely less drama, but still good! 🙂

    1. STRANGER THINGS AND SHERLOCK ARE THE BEST! I love them both so much! I need to watch Dexter too! I’ve only seen a few episodes, but I really like it! ❤️

    1. omg!! Stranger Things!! yes!! (tbh that’s the only one on this list i’ve seen but you should still watch it bc wowza love it)

      1. I am soooo excited for it that I may or may not have bought s1 of it on DVD during Target’s black friday sale despite knowing it’s on Netflix, which I already have a subscription for. No, I don’t know why I’m like this

    1. Most of these would actually be on my list as well! I made it through about half the second season of Stranger Things but just never managed to get invested. I ALSO need to watch Hill House because I only watched the first ep. I never finished Breaking Bad orrr Dexter orrrrrrrr Grey’s Anatomy. Oops!

    1. I think you will really enjoy Stranger Things! I still haven’t watched s2 actually; I will get getting Netflix again I think soon and will be rewatching/catching up on that and finally watching Chilling Adventures!

      1. Yessssss! ♥ I’m excited to hear you’ll be getting Netflix again soon – I don’t care for any other streaming services very much, but I love having Netflix handy whenever I am in the mood to watch anything!

    1. Ahh I love this, I love reading about people talking about tv!
      I’ve been meaning to rewatch Sherlock too because I don’t think I ever got to season 3 either! I think there’s meant to be an eventual season 4 though so I’m not sure if I should just wait until 2049 to watch all the season all at once!
      Also, don’t worry about not having watched Stranger Things, it took me almost a year to watch the first season and I’ve pretty much dropped the show now, because I wasn’t a big fan of it.

      1. Yeah! IMDb says Sherlock has a 4th season, but Netflix only shows 3? I’m not sure what’s up with that! But I laughed at loud at “2049” because WOW, accurate ??
        I’m sorry you weren’t a big fan of Stranger Things!

        1. I’m kind of doubting whether season 4 will be a thing because the main actors are so popular atm and in general. But, a girl can hope, right?
          Haha, I think there are enough fans out there, scary/suspense just isn’t really my thing!

    1. I’ve seen.. none of these! Unless you count the first episode of the horror one [I can’t even be arsed to check the entire series title, yikes] or the things I saw while the BF was binge-watching Dexter and Breaking Bad. Simply.. not my kind of shows, I guess?
      I’d rather be drooling over Elijah and Klaus.. Or maybe I should do even more nostalgic and rewatch One Tree Hill.. :’)

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