2017 Wrap-Up & Statistics

January 6, 2018

This is a little later than I intended for it to be, but here’s my final 2017 wrap-up!


In previous years, I never thought I could’ve passed 50k pages read in a year. As a teen, I read a lot, but “a lot” back then was probably 40 books a year. In my early twenties, “a lot” was 2 books a month. To finish 208 books in one year, though? I am unspeakably proud of myself, and a little bit in awe. I’m not tooting my own horn; I just didn’t think I was capable of doing it!


Yep, my original goal was 104 books – 2 books per week. When I set that goal, it felt so ambitious that I had no expectations whatsoever of completing it, but when I hit the 100% mark during the summer, I remember being taken completely off-guard. It didn’t feel like I read that much! It’s not like I sat down every week and said, “Okay, I’ve read ___ books so far, so I have to finish ___ by the end of this month!”

People constantly ask me what my secret is, and I tell them the same thing every time: I just read every chance I get. I’m not a big fan of television or movies, and gaming is hard when you have a wild toddler interrupting you every five minutes, but books are something I can pick down even if I just have 5 minutes of peace while he’s eating a snack. All of those little moments add up fast.


Not only was 2017 a great reading year (a 3.9 average!), it was also a great blogging year. I only started my blog on January 9th of 2017, and I managed to produce nearly 300 blog posts – that’s almost a post per day! In honor of the end of the year, I thought I’d show you guys a few of my favorite reviews and posts from 2017:

I also had a fantastic year on bookstagram! I started the year off at about 150 followers, and ended the year at 2,000. Here are a few of my fave shots that I took:


And, of course, my year would have been nothing without the amazing friends that I’ve made this year. <3 I would be here forever if I tagged you all, but you know who you are, and I love each and every one of you tremendously.

Now, time for some statistics…



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. Thank you so much, Theo! You’re so sweet! My kiddo is a handful, and sometimes I look at my reading and I think, “Damn, I wonder how many I could read if he took one more nap a day.” ?

    1. Looks like you’d a great year in terms of reading! A 3.9 avg and 208 books? Wow, those are two amazing things <3 And gosh, that bookstagram looks stunning, I'm in awe 😀 Hope 2018 would be all the more exciting !

    1. I am in awe at your abbility to pick up a book for 5 minutes during snack time. My little twat does not take 5 minutes with a snack haha. So many 5 star reads. That is amazing!

    1. 208 BOOKS IN A YEAR? i am also unspeakably proud and extremely impressed. holy shit dude!

    1. wow girl, i am very, very proud of you!!! you did great. not just with reading, but also with blogging and bookstagram. a fantastic year and i am so happy for you! can’t wait to get more content from you! hope you had an amazing start into the year! <3 <3 <3

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