Tag Time: 2021 Year in Review!

January 11, 2022

Let’s talk about my 2021 Year in Review!

When I saw this tag over on Kaleena’s blog, I added it to my posting calendar right away because I love these questions! The tag was originally created over on booktube by Average Joe’s Library.

2021 year in review tag

1. How do you feel about your reading goals for the year?

I feelย really good about my 2021 reading goals! My original goal for the year was 100 books, I think, but early in the year, I lowered it (to 50? I don’t remember for sure) because I wasn’t reading anything at all between February and July. I finally got out of my slump at the end of summer, though, and still managed to read 112 books by the end of the year!

2. New favorite author?

I’d have to say Eric LaRocca for this, even though I technically read one of their books before 2021. I read my first of Eric’s works in 2020, and liked it a lot, but it wasn’t “favorite” status for me โ€” but in 2021, I read two of their works that absolutely blew me away and made them a definite new favorite author!

3. New book blogger you discovered this year?

I sadly did very little blogging and even less blog hopping in 2021, but I did recently start following Taylor from Read With Tay and am honestly obsessed with their content, their blog aesthetic, all of it!

4. What is a new genre that you read this year?

Honestly, I’ll read just about every genre and have been this way for aย very long time, so I can’t say I read any new genres in 2021! I mostly read horror last year, but that’s one of my top 3 genres every year, so it wasn’t a surprise.

Image shows a pie chart of my genres read in 2021, with horror at 36.8%, romance at 17.9%, fantasy at 17.1%, nonfiction at 9.4%, humor at 6.8%, poetry and contemporary each at 5.1%, and historical fiction at 1.7%

5. New favorite book recommendation?

I was lucky to read a lot of really great books in 2021, but didn’t have many new all-time faves! I haven’t actually compiled my “favorites of 2021” list yet, but that’s coming in a blog post over the next week or so, so I’m going to pass on this question and keep it a surprise! ๐Ÿ˜‰

6. New favorite series (completed this year)?

HA. Me, finish a series? That’s a good one.

7. What is a future re-read from this year?

The first one that comes to mind is Nothing But Blackened Teeth, because I genuinely adored this novella and found it so fascinating that it feels easy to imagine myself being drawn back into it!


8. Biggest surprise read of the year?

I’m going to go with aย disappointing surprise from 2021 and say Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh. I adored Hyperbole and a Half so much, for so long, that it seemed impossible that I wouldย not love this book, but it was such a disappointment and most of it dragged. I gave it 3 stars, but in hindsight, it was probably a 2-star read at best for me. ๐Ÿ™


9. What is a book stuck in your head from this year?

One of my new all-time favorite graphic novels, Garlic & the Vampire. I have been recommending this book to literally anyone who will listen because I’m so obsessed.


10. What are some books you wish you read this year?

Oh gosh, there are SO MANY lol. I didn’t read nearly as many of the books as I wanted to in 2021, and I spent too much of the reading time that Iย did have reading books that were unmemorable or not so great. Here are a few of the top ones I wish I’d read in 2021, though: Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas, and Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki.

11. What is a book you wish you didn’t read?

See #8: Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh. ๐Ÿ˜”

12. What is a book that impacted you?

This might sound odd when you hear my reasoning, but I’m going with Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca, not only because it was phenomenal and I adored it, but also because it reminded me that, even when large groups of people hate a book or call it harmful/problematic/toxic/etc., we should still see for ourselves, because reviews are subjective and no two readers will read the exact same book, regardless of what that book is.

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13. Lessons learned to apply to next year?

I think the biggest lesson I learned in 2021 is that, while breaks and self-care are very important as well, it’s also okay to challenge myself sometimes! I had spent so long never challenging myself in my reading life that, when I finally started giving myself goals to work towards again towards the end of 2021, it felt incredible to get back into the swing of things (within reason, of course!). I also learned that I’m much happier when I don’t request so many review copies. ๐Ÿคฃ

๐Ÿ’– TAGS ๐Ÿ’–

I’m not sure who has done this tag already, so I’m just going to say anyone who would like to do it is tagged now! Please let me know if you do this tag so I can see your answers, because I thought these questions were unique and really fun!


โ€” destiny โ™ฅ

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I read Garlic and the Vampire this year and loved it, and now that I think about it, I first saw it on your blog! I totally agree that it’s one of the cutest graphic novels out there!

      1. Ahhh that makes me SO happy! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m so incredibly happy every time I hear anyone say they enjoyed it. It’s so precious and I just want to see everyone love it as much as I do haha!

    1. This was such a fun tag. This is the first time I’m seeing. I will have to save it for next time!

    1. I loved seeing your 2021 in review, Destiny! ? Omg Garlic and the Vampire looks SO cute, I’ll have to check it out! ? I also wish I had read Vespertine this year, as I love Margaret Rogerson so much ?

      1. Thank you, Caro! Oh my gosh, Garlic and the Vampire has my whole reading heart for 2021 lol! It was so precious – definitely one of my faves of the year. โ™ฅ I feel you on Vespertine. I can’t believe I haven’t read it yet! Maybe that just means we’re subconsciously saving it for the perfect moment, haha!

    1. I also read Solutions and Other Problems, and I was struck by just how SAD she is now. The death of her sister really hurt her.

      1. You’re absolutely right, it was very evident that her sister’s passing did a real number on her. ๐Ÿ™ That was probably the reason I gave it as high of a rating as I did despite feeling so disappointed in most of it, was because the bits about her sister tugged hard on my heartstrings and it pains me to know that Allie and her family have had to go through that.

    1. Ahhh yay I’m glad you also did the tag, isn’t it fun?! Loved reading your answers. Nothing But Blackened Teeth was such a good book, I’ve re-read it once already with the audiobook (which is incredible by the way) and probably will pick it up again in 2022.

      1. Ooooh, I will definitely have to check out the audiobook for a re-read in that case! I loved that book so damn much and I have been thinking lately that I’d like to re-read it soon. Off to Libby I go! โ™ฅ Thank you, Kal!

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