How are my 2022 TBR lists going so far?

August 30, 2022

Let’s see how my 2022 goals are going!

I can’t believe we’re at the end of August already! I know every year seems to go by faster than the year before it, but this year feels like it flew by with exceptional speed. Since we’re 2/3 of the way through 2022, I thought I could take a glance at my 2022 reading goal progress and share it with you!

2022 TBR

I’ve done SO badly on this list so far, lol. I’ve only completed 4 of 22! I have a few more in progress, but still, that means I need to complete an average of 4.5 books per month from this list if I want to complete the list by the end of the year!

(You can find the original TBR post here with links to the Goodreads pages for each book!)

12 in 12 list

My goal was to read one per month, but I’ve only read 3 of the 12, meaning I need to read an average of 2.25 per month to finish the list by the end of the year!

(You can find the original TBR post here with links to the Goodreads pages for each book!)

and everything else

I’m not including my seasonal TBRs in this list because I consider those less “set in stone” than the annual TBRs, but I will brag on myself for a second here about my final 2022 challenge, which is reading at least 3 books per month from my TBR jar. I’ve succeeded really well at this goal! I don’t always complete each book by the end of its respective month, but I always start them on time. I’ve DNFed a surprising amount of the choices I’ve picked, which has helped me whittle away at my owned TBR, allowed me to unhaul a few things, AND has helped me realize that I’ve reached a point in my life where I want to be a bit more picky about the books I buy (even if they’re on a kindle sale!).

Overall, I’m not stoked with where I’m at in my 2022 reading goals, but breaking them down into how many I’d have to read per month was weirdly motivating, because 4 from one list and 2 from another doesn’t sound so overwhelming — especially considering a few of the books overlap lists, and a handful of them are very short, quick reads! Maybe I’ll start incorporating a few into each monthly TBR for the rest of the year. Who knows, I might complete these lists after all! 😅

How are your 2022 reading goals going so far?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. There are some great books on your lists, I so hope you get to them soon, and enjoy them. I have TBR’s for each month, but I’m so bad at following them! I’m considering not have a TBR for Sept, but I am very undecided about it!

      1. Thank you! TBRs are so much fun for me, but I had to stop putting ANY real pressure on myself about them because it seems like I almost NEVER end up getting to everything on the list – especially when it’s a big list like this one. ? I hope your September reading is amazing, TBR or not!

    1. Good for you for getting books read and finding a tracking system that works for you! I’ve found that to be pretty make-or-break for me. I don’t have a great system for getting backlist titles read, so I’m always curious what other people do. Good luck with your TBR, and thanks again for sharing!

      1. Thank you! It can be so hard to get to those backlist titles – it’s like there’s just NEVER enough time to read all of the amazing books coming out, plus the amazing books that were already released, lol!

    1. GIRL, SAME. I blame my toddler and mood reading. HAHA! It’s been much tougher than I expected to hit all my goals this year. Mostly. I need to stop adding so many arcs and blog tours on my plate! It’s so hard refraining. lol. I think we can knock out a bunch of our goals in the last few months of the year! 🙂

      1. Lmaooo I’m so sorry you relate so much to this! ? Yo, being a parent makes those reading goals HARD sometimes lol!! And the ARCs, oh gosh. I definitely didn’t request 3 eARCs tonight, nope, not me… and they definitely don’t all come out in the next month, of course not… *sigh* lol but I have faith in us!!

        1. LOL! I know, it really makes it harder!! I’m hoping that I can get some more time with him going to school two days a week. So far, it’s only been a week bc he was out last week for sickness! I am sooo struggling though!!! lol. I think I’m going to stop requesting arcs for the rest of the year.. hahahaha, wish me luck!

    1. You’re making progress and that all that matters. I don’t think I’m doing the greatest on my goals/challenges for the year either but considering everything I’ve gone through this year I am very happy with what progress I have made.

    1. Oof, goodluck with finishing that goal!! Even halfway would be considered a win- there’s so many books!!

      Oh how I loved the love hypothesis !! Hopefully you will too ☺️ the final girl support group is also something I plan to read in the next three months.. ive been looking forwsrd to reading it since before it launched so!! Hoping its good

      1. Thank you so much! You’re right, even halfway would be awesome! 😀 I can’t wait to read The Love Hypothesis, fingers crossed I can add myself to the massive fandom Ali has built for herself lol!

    1. Ha yeah I did’t have a 22 of 2022 list since I always forget. But I’m also doing spectacular bad with the 12 list. Oh well its for fun 😉

    1. I was all caught up with my 12 in 12 list but then I didn’t read any of the books since July, so I’m behind again ? I hope we can both catch up! I LOVE Nevermoor, so I hope you read it ?

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