T10T: Quotes I'm Thankful For

November 20, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s challenge was a Thanksgiving freebie, and I don’t know if I’ve ever done a quote-themed T10T before, so this seemed like as good a time as any!

I made all of these images in Canva, so if you want to borrow any of them, feel free. ♥











Are any of these your favorite quotes, or do you have one you’d like to share with me? Let me know in the comments!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I have the Nevernight quote in my post this week too!! #GreatMinds
      I love this take on the freebie prompt and the images are beautiful! <3

        1. Mine isn’t scheduled to post for another 20 minutes, but if you’re still blog hopping then I’d love to hear your thoughts on my take this week! =D

    1. Wow, I love all of these so much ? the one from The Raven Cycle, though!! That’s the best ?

    1. I can’t help but laugh at the second one. Y’know, I can’t read any sentence in a book with the word “destiny” in it without thinking of you right? Makes reading those sentences way too funny at times.. I think the last one was something like “Destiny did it.” so.. just so you know, you’re to blame! :’D
      SJM has sooo many good quotes in her books. Pretty sure I’ll need a whole bunch of tabs for when I reread the books in.. 2020. :’) I’m going to make them rainbows!
      One quote, off the top of my head, that I can’t seem to forget about and have even thought about getting tattooed is “We are all children of blood and bone.” from Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. I don’t know. That one sentence just stuck with me ever since reading it.

      1. LMAO yeah, I feel you ?
        Dude, the tabs I’ve used in the last few TOG books are RIDICULOUS. I want to reread the Court books in the beginning of 2019 and I’ve never tabbed those books besides ACOFAS, so I’m really excited. 😛 Gonna stock up beforehand.
        That’s such a good quote!

    1. These are all great quotes, I love them all so much! I love the one from THUG and The Perks so much and that Raven Boys one makes me laugh so much haha 🙂

    1. Great quotes! I especially like the Perks and Two Towers ones. And The Hate U Give too.
      Happy Tuesday!

    1. Great quotes, thanks for sharing. I always thought the perks one very powerful. Makes me really look at my own life and the decisions I make

      1. Isn’t it great? It’s been my favorite literary quote for so long now and it never loses its luster for me. It also reminds me to take care of myself and stop putting myself in toxic situations.

    1. I love so many of these quotes. Great choices! It’s so easy to see why some stuck with you, either in humor or seriousness. Recently, I’ve been loving and thankful for: “Women have to live so much of their life in the in-betweens.” from Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott and “I’m constantly searching for places that rekindle my sense of wonder.” which was from one of the books in Gillian Anderson and Jeff Rovin’s trilogy. I can’t remember the name of the trilogy right now because I’m having a Moment haha.

      1. Thank you! I love both of those quotes, those are beautiful! Also, holy crap, how did I not know Gillian Anderson writes books?! I grew up on The X-Files and have always loved her. Was the series good overall?

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