T10T: Top Items on My Wishlist

August 27, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme is “books I’ve read that I’d like to own”, but full transparency time: it’s 8am Monday morning and I’ve just pulled an all-nighter working on stuff for my new blog setup and I have to go to work in an hour so I’m feeling reeeeaaaaal lazy and sleepy and instead I’m just gonna tell you 10 top items on my bookish wishlist!

And then I might pull an Ezra Mason and just roll my face on the keyboard like sjknhdbndjebdnjkdbhjdbdhjbdhjbdhjbd


1. a lesson in thorns

44552089. sy475 This has been on my TBR for a good while thanks to a booktube recommendation video a while back, but I feel like EVERYONE is reading and loving this book right now, and I’m not gonna lie — the hype is killing me!

I think it’s a dark romance with a librarian as a main character? I’m digging it.

2. red, white, & royal blue

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

Don’t worry, I’ve definitely read this one! (In fact, you can read my review right here if you’re interested~) It’s one of my favorite reads of 2019 so far, but I still haven’t gotten a finished copy, so I just have the eARC. I’m glad to have it at all, don’t get me wrong, but I’m dying to reread it and the eARC’s formatting was pretty weird, so I’m putting off my reread until I can grab myself a print copy. Though, we did just get a copy at the branch I work at, so maybe I’ll cave and just borrow it…

3. artificial condition

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I freaked out a little when I saw this on my wishlist just now because AUGH, HOW COULD I FORGET I HAVEN’T CONTINUED THIS SERIES YET?! Hell, I haven’t even reviewed book 1, even though I read it months ago… but honestly, it’s one of my favorite sci-fi books I’ve ever read and now I’m DYING to continue the series as soon as humanly possible because HOW ON EARTH COULD I JUST FORGET TO CONTINUE THIS SERIES?!

4. sailor moon eternal edition #2


Having grown up on Sailor Moon, I read the first Eternal Edition several months back and had so much fun with it. It was my first time revisiting the world in general in over a decade and I had forgotten just how cute and fun it is! And how devout my crush on Sailor Mars was as a kid, don’t mind me though… I definitely need to pick up the 2nd Eternal Edition soon to continue my reread. (If you don’t know, the Eternal Editions are just bind-up re-releases of the original manga series!)

5. sea witch


This is one I actually do need to pick up pretty soon, whether I buy it or find it through the library, because I was just sent a surprise copy of the sequel and I can’t read it yet! And I gotta be honest, these covers… man, they’re so pretty. It’s so hard to see the sequel sitting on my shelf, just calling to be opened… ? I might cave and see if I can borrow the first book from the library this week just so I can see if the series is worth the hype I’ve heard!

6. rafe: a buff male nanny

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Legitimately do not have a CLUE why I haven’t bought and read this yet! It’s one of those books that I’m so hyped for, I think I’ve made myself scared to pick it up (because what if I don’t like it?!). I feel like all of my friends who have similar taste in romance to me adored it, so I’m probably gonna riot if it sucks. ?

7. monstress, book one


This, like Red, White, & Royal Blue, gets the fancy award of Actually Fitting this Week’s Prompt™! This binds up the first 3 volumes in a pretty, expensive hardcover edition. I’ve read those 3 volumes by borrowing them from the library, and I loved them enough that I definitely need to own them so they can sit on my shelf being beautiful, but I don’t see much point in spending $15-20 apiece on paperbacks of each volume when this comes out to basically the same cost in the end.

8. the green witch

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I partially want this because I really do want to learn more about green witchcraft (which is the sect of craft that pertains mostly to using herbs, flowers, etc., if you didn’t know!), but also partially just because the little hardbacks of these books of Arin Murphy-Hiscock’s are so freaking cute. ? You’d just have to see them in person, but they’re kinda small and squat and the insides are really pretty, and… whew, be quiet, sleep deprivation.

9. llewellyn’s 2020 witches’ calendar

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Yeah, these last few are just witchy things… #sorrynotsorry

Llewellyn puts out these fancy witches’ calendars every year (and has since 1998!), and they’re really great. They have lots of wisdom, little tidbits of advice, and information on special events, astrological happenings, etc. I’ve seen past years’ calendars but never gotten myself one, so I’ll definitely be ordering this closer to the end of 2019!

10. llewellyn’s 2020 sabbats almanac

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I’ll leave you with one more witchy resource: a Sabbat Almanac! A lot of people have this misconception that Sabbats are only for Wiccans, and that’s simply not true (in fact, many of these special occasions predate Wicca by a long, long time!). Whether you’re Wiccan, pagan, or any other sort of witch, Sabbats are just a really fun time for everyone, and there’s always more to learn about them, so I’m going to pick this one up soon, too. It actually starts off with Samhain 2019, so if you’re interested, grab it before the end of October so you can really enjoy it to the fullest! ♥


There you go — 10 of the top items on my Amazon wishlist! What’s something on your wishlist, or do you think I should hurry up and treat myself to anything from my list? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Lovely wishlist, Destiny!! I still need to read Sea Witch myself (all the buzz with the sequel is making me realize how behind with the times I am lol), and I haven’t picked up Red, White, and Royal Blue yet! Both are super high on my tbr! I hope you get some rest today, love! <3

    1. I just bought the e-book of A lesson in thorns, very excited to read it!
      I really enjoyed the audioboo of the sea witch!

    1. Currently reading Red, White, and Royal Blue and am loving it so far! I so need to start watching Sailor Moon, and then read the manga. Sea Witch is high on my to-read list, and that cover is so good!

    1. I really need to go back and read all of Sea Witch. I finished the first few chapters and then had to return it to the library because I ran out of time. Good story, though!
      My TTT

    1. Daily Calendars can be a lot of fun. I have the 2019 Writer’s Digest Daily calendar and I look forward to every new entry (and the backs of the old pages make good scrap paper). I got The Sea Witch at some point when it was $1.99 on Amazon.com, but I still haven’t read it yet. I buy a lot of the books I want when I want them because I put money into my book budget almost every month, but I haven’t bought The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws. A lot of the other books on my Amazon wish list are workbooks for foreign languages or books I’ve read in English in German, Spanish, or Russian. Not too exciting.

    1. I am one of those people that read A Lesson in Thorns! I’ll say it was pretty good and worth the read… but I’m not sure about continuing on with the series, after what many people told me about the second book. I hope you end up liking it!

    1. Oh wow you have Sailor Moon in your list! I grew up with this series too and I still love it to this day. I didn’t know there’s a bind-up edition of the manga. That’s very interesting and really cool. You got Sea Witch and Red, White & Royal Blue here too!!
      – Chai @ Like Chai Tea

    1. Honestly, a lesson in thorns sounds amazing but apparently the sequel is literal shit so if you do read it, maybe treat it as a standalone??

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