April TBR & BuJo: all the audiobooks & journaling!

April 3, 2023

Another month, another TBR ~

March was by far the calmest month of 2023 so far, and probably the best for my mental health as well, but the exhaustion of the first two months seemed to come to a head when I spent the first half of the month in a bit of a slump! Thankfully I kicked the slump around the halfway point of the month and got some solid reading time in over the last few weeks, and I have to say that I’ve listened to more audiobooks lately than I have in years, which has been awesome! 

March goal check-in: 

  1. Post to bookstagram at least 3x per week ✅ (I think I missed ONE post early in the month but I’m counting this as a big success, still!)
  2. Get down to 8 or less current reads ❌
  3. Finish 4/6 of my Winter TBR picks ❌

My goals for April are: 

I’m really working on getting back into the swing of posting things more frequently, so I’m focusing on that and—again—trying to finish some current reads!

  1. Make 3+ bookstagram posts per week
  2. Write 3+ blog posts per week
  3. Get down to 8 or less current reads (working towards my 2023 goal of 6 or less at a time)

april’s picks:

This month’s focus is on buddy/group reads again, including continuing my Throne of Glass series re-read with Misty! I can’t believe we’ll be picking up Kingdom of Ash in May. 🤯 It’s the only book in the series I’ve never read before, and WOW, am I nervous!

☔ Empire of Storms & Tower of Dawn // Sarah J. Maas → re-read with Misty!
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries // Heather Fawcett → I’ve been seeing SO much hype for this book and am really happy it’s our BOTM for April in my book discord! (LMK if you wanna join us!)
☔ Gallows Hill // Darcy Coates → Darcy’s joining us to discuss this one in the Horror Aficionados group on GR and I’m stoked!
☔ Daughters Unto Devils // Amy Lukavics → I’ve owned this ebook for EVER and am really excited to finally read it with TBR & Beyond this month ♥

april’s bujo spreads:

A few people have asked me to start sharing my bullet journal spreads on my blog, so I thought I’d start including them in my TBR and wrap-up posts! Here’s a glance at my April spreads from before I started filling them in on the 1st. 🥳

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I REALLY REALLY HOPE you love Emily Wilde. I adored that book when I read it, and I’m so happy that most everyone is enjoying it. Your Bujo is so pretty! Mine was never that clean looking haha I just loved using washi tape and stickers.

      1. I’m so, so excited to read it, especially after hearing you rave about it!! And thank you so much! My bujo used to be super “minimalist” but I’ve been trying to use it as an artistic outlet more lately and I’m really enjoying it ?

    1. I can’t wait to continue our buddy read of the Throne of Glass series and I’m excited for both of us to experience Kingdom of Ash for the first time together. I hope this series end in a way that doesn’t break my heart.

    1. Good luck with your April TBR! ? I’m very excited that you’ll be reading Emily Wilde, I loved it so much and got really attached to the characters – I hope you enjoy it as well ?

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