August 2024 Goals (bookish AND non-bookish!)

August 1, 2024

Let’s talk about my AUGUST goals!

📚 bookish GOALS 📚

My reading slump carried over into July and didn’t let up until just a few days ago. I didn’t hit 2 of my 3 bookish goals for July, and I won’t be setting anything super strict for August since I’m trying to ease back into my routine!

July goal check-in: 

  • Stop worrying so much about what time of day I post to IG or my blog ✅
  • Finish or DNF some current reads to get back down to 6ish ❌
    • I have more current reads now than I did on July 1st. 💀
  • Reorganize my ARC tracker ❌

My bookish goals for August are: 

  • Reorganize my ARC tracker
  • Finish August with less than 10 current reads
  • Read 3 or more books from a previous 2024 TBR list

My TBR for August is: 

  • The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde
    • This is the August BOTM pick for my Discord server!
  • I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones
    • I’m buddy reading this with my fellow SGJ-obsessed bestie Malli 🥰
  • Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes
    • Yep, this was on a few previous TBR lists! It’s the TBR & Beyond horror BOTM for August.

Yep, only THREE TBR picks for August! I really want to take it easy and try mood reading a little more this month.

🧶 other HOBBY goals 🎮

July goal check-in: 

  • Watch 5 movies from my watchlist ❌
  • Play 3 games from my TBP (to be played) list ✅
    • I started playing Palia and I completed Parts 1 and 2 of the True Fear: Forsaken Souls series.
  • Listen to 1 episode of a podcast (another hobby I’ve been neglecting!) ✅
    • I listened to several episodes of The NoSleep Podcast (my favorite!) in the car over the past week!

August goals: 

  • Watch 5 movies from my watchlist (yep, carrying this one over!)
  • Finish the diamond art painting I’ve been working on as a gift for Isaac
  • Try (again) to learn how to crochet

💪 “real life” goals 👪

July goal check-in: 

  • Go to the gym 3+ times per week ❌
    • I started off strong with this one, but a broken tooth and an eye injury messed me up for about half the month 💀
  • Go to bed on time 5 nights per week ✅
    • I went to bed at a decent time almost every night in July! 🥳 (and by “decent time”, I mean decent for ME, which is still late, but it’s what works best for me)
  • Work 30 hours per week ❌
    • Big bust on this one, also because of the injuries 😩
  • Keep up with my physical reading journal all month ❌
    • I kept up with it for the first few weeks before forgetting about it, lol

August goals: 

  • Go to the gym more than I did in July (setting a number goal feels like tempting fate right now 😅)
  • Get back on track with my daily housework routine
  • Do yoga or pilates a few times weekly

What are you looking forward to this month?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

1 Comment
    1. Good luck with your goals! 💞 I hope you enjoy Ghost Station, I really liked it!! I love that you’re planning on doing a diamond painting, they are so much fun 🥰

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