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Brooding YA Hero – Carrie Ann DiRisio (ARC Review)

Goodreads synopsis: Have you ever wished you could receive a little guidance from your favorite book boyfriend? Ever dreamed of being the Chosen One in a YA novel? Want to know all the secrets of surviving the dreaded plot twist? Or maybe you’re just really confused about what “opal-tinted, luminous cerulean orbs” actually are? Well, popular Twitter personality @broodingYAhero is here to help as he tackles the final frontier in his media dominance: writing a book. Join Broody McHottiepants as...

Hunting Prince Dracula – Kerri Maniscalco (ARC Review)

Goodreads synopsis: In this hotly anticipated sequel to the haunting #1 bestseller Stalking Jack the Ripper, bizarre murders are discovered in the castle of Prince Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as Dracula. Could it be a copycat killer…or has the depraved prince been brought back to life? Following the grief and horror of her discovery of Jack the Ripper’s true identity, Audrey Rose Wadsworth has no choice but to flee London and its memories. Together with the arrogant yet charming...

Miniature Monday #3

I have been on a kick lately of reading a lot of graphic novels, comics, and even a bit of manga, and I have more on my TBR for the next month, so I decided I would start a new series. Every week, I’ll be posting a small batch of mini-reviews for graphic novels and the like! I’ll also include poetry collections, as I’ve read a little poetry lately. This week, I’ll be reviewing two graphic novels, a manga, and a memoir!...

The NetGalley Tag

I’m cheating a little (as usual when it comes to a lot of these), because I wasn’t tagged. I’m being a filthy tag klepto again. So, sue me! (Don’t really. I’m broke. I spend all of my money on books.) Anyways, I “borrowed” this tag from Kathy over at Books & Munches. In my defense, she left it open to anyone who wanted to use it, and besides, it gives me a good excuse to tell you guys that you...

The Roanoke Girls – Amy Engel

Spoiler-free review! “Roanoke girls never last long around here. In the end, we either run or we die.” I don’t have a lot to say about The Roanoke Girls, because I think this is one of those stories where it’s best if you go in knowing as little in advance as possible. When I picked this title up, all I knew was that it was an adult mystery fic, and that it involved a woman going back home to investigate her...

Slasher Girls and Monster Boys (Anthology Review)

Spoiler-free review! Since this is an anthology, I’ll be splitting the review up by story first, and then give my overall thoughts at the end! ☠️ THE BIRDS OF AZALEA STREET – Nova Ren Suma★★★☆☆ A group of teen girls observe mysterious incidents going on at their creepy neighbor’s house, and decide to investigate. The prose was very lovely and gave way to some haunting imagery, but overall the story was pretty boring and unmemorable. ☠️ IN THE FOREST DARK AND DEEP...

Black Bird of the Gallows – Meg Kassel

Goodreads Synopsis: A simple but forgotten truth: Where harbingers of death appear, the morgues will soon be full. Angie Dovage can tell there’s more to Reece Fernandez than just the tall, brooding athlete who has her classmates swooning, but she can’t imagine his presence signals a tragedy that will devastate her small town. When something supernatural tries to attack her, Angie is thrown into a battle between good and evil she never saw coming. Right in the center of it...

Miniature Monday #2

I have been on a kick lately of reading a lot of graphic novels, comics, and even a bit of manga, and I have more on my TBR for the next month, so I decided I would start a new series. Every 1-2 weeks, I’ll be posting a small batch of mini-reviews for graphic novels and the like! I’ll also include poetry collections, as I’ve read a little poetry lately. This week, I’ll be reviewing four graphic novels. Monstress, Vol 1: Awakening...

Sunshine Blogger Award #3, #4, #5, #6

No, really, you guys… I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award FOUR TIMES since the last time I did this tag. I feel so freaking flattered I could cry. I’d like to thank Amber, Romie, Lily, and Sydney for all being so incredible and nominating me! ♥ The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award you give bloggers who are creative, positive, inspiring, and, well… sunshine-y! (If it wasn’t a word before, it is now, dammit!) Fair warning, this is really long,...

Starfish – Akemi Dawn Bowman (ARC Review)

But some people are just starfish – they need everyone to fill the roles that they assign. Kiko’s story is so tough to read at points – not only due to her childhood trauma, but also due to her struggles as a biracial young woman in a rural town. Her father is Japanese and her mother is white, and her mother has spent Kiko’s entire life shaming her half-Asian appearance, name, and culture. She once told me she wished she...