Destiny @ Howling Libraries's


Girls Made of Snow and Glass – Melissa Bashardoust (ARC Review)

“Weak or strong – she didn’t know what they meant anymore. Maybe they didn’t mean the same thing for everyone.” First, you have to know that this book literally is being marketed as, and I quote, “a fantasy feminist fairy tale”, and if you think that wasn’t enough to sell me on it, you are DEAD WRONG. ✘ PLOT In the wintery wonderland Whitespring, Princess Lynet is nearing her sixteenth birthday, and her father expects her to come into her...

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue – Mackenzi Lee

I’m very sorry to direct you here instead of posting this on Goodreads, but GR has recently taken to cracking down heavily on any negative reviews that specifically mention the author’s behavior. Alas, I’m only posting this on my own personal blog. update: june 18th, 2019 I loved The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue a lot when it came out. I hadn’t seen much bi rep in books at that time, and as a bi woman, it felt good to...

Unique Blogger Award #1 & #2

I was lucky enough to be tagged for this award by not just one, but two bloggers! I was tagged by the ever so lovely Alex @ Coffeeloving Bookaholic and the always wonderful Steph @ Stephanie’s Novel Fiction! Seriously, though, these are two amazing bloggers, so please go follow them when you’re finished here! Rules: 1. Link to the blogger(s) who nominated you 2. Answer their questions 3. Nominate 8-13 people 4. Ask them 3 questions Alex’s Questions: 1. If you could only...

Liebster Award #2 & #3

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award once before, but I’m told by wiser, more experienced bloggers that it’s perfectly acceptable to repost the award if you get nominated again in the future, so here we are! It was so sweet of Nerd Narration and Rebecca Lee to tag me! I love both of their blogs a ton, so please go check them out and give them a follow! Rules: 1. Link back to the bloggers that nominated you 2. Answer the...

All the Crooked Saints – Maggie Stiefvater (ARC Review)

“Bicho Raro was a place of strange miracles.” I am so grateful to have been given an ARC of this by my friend Julie! Thank you again! ❤ The synopsis for this book sounded so good, and the cover is gorgeous, and there are owls, and I had to have it. I was not disappointed in the slightest. ✘ PLOT In the desert of Colorado, there lives a family – the Sorias, who have been blessed with a generational ability to perform miracles. These...

The Bone Season – Samantha Shannon

“This was what my spirit longed to do, to wander in strange lands. It couldn’t stand being trapped in one body all the time. It had wanderlust.” This was the Life & Lit book of the month for July, and while I honestly didn’t know what to expect and wasn’t feeling particularly enthusiastic about starting this series, I was shocked by how much I loved this book! This was more of a 4.5 star read for me, but I didn’t feel good...

They Both Die at the End – Adam Silvera (ARC Review)

“Maybe it’s better to have gotten it right and been happy for one day instead of living a lifetime of wrongs.” This was my first ever Adam Silvera book, and I’d been warned by so many people to prepare myself for ALL OF THE FEELS, but nobody could have really made me understand just how fast and hard I would fall in love with Adam’s writing voice. This book made him an auto-buy author literally by the 25% mark, and...