Destiny @ Howling Libraries's


Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you so much to Jo-Ann at Inspiration Pie and Stephanie at Stephanie’s Novel Fiction for tagging me in this award! I felt very grateful to be tagged not just one, but twice in this super cute blog award! Jo-Ann and Steph both create such great content, so definitely give their blogs a look and a follow! The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award for bloggers who are creative, positive, and inspiring – people who spread “sunshine” to the blogging world! Rules: Thank...

The Book Blogger Insider Tag

Because I have reviews and tags that are staring me down and I don't feel like finishing any of them right now, I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about myself as a blogger today! Thanks goes to Beth at Reading Every Night for the tag! I mean, technically she said anyone who wanted to be tagged could tag themselves... so, you know... we've already discussed my klepto tendencies. MOVING ON.

The Raven Boys — Maggie Stiefvater

“She wasn’t interested in telling other people’s futures. She was interested in going out and finding her own.” All Blue’s life, she’s been surrounded by psychics: her mother, her aunt, her mother’s live-in best friends. Blue can’t predict anything, though – she’s just an energy amplifier for everyone (and everything) around here. Her future has been set in stone for years. She will fall in love, and she will kiss her first love, and he will die. It’s hard enough,...

Aftercare Instructions — Bonnie Pipkin (ARC Review)

Genesis did everything she could to prepare for the abortion, but nothing could steady her for how it would feel to walk out into an empty waiting room, without so much as a good-bye text from the boyfriend who left her there: alone, wounded, and sixty miles from home. He won't answer his phone, and rumors are flying that he's already moved on to her former best friend, Vanessa.

Living as a seventeen-year-old with a deceased father and an emotionally absent mother, life hasn't been easy, but this form of grief is all new territory for Gen, and she's going to have to find healing in any way she can get it: even if it means returning to the stage she never thought she'd have the strength to face again.

Soul Ripping Romance Tag

Thank you to Jo-Ann over at Inspiration Pie for tagging me in this adorable new tag! Jo-Ann is such a sweetheart and she posts some fantastic content, so be sure to check her site out when you're done!

The Guide:

Thank the person who tagged you and create a pingback to the original author: Nel@Reactionary Tales.
Share at least 5 (but more are welcome) romances that tugged your heart strings. They can be from books, movies, TV shows, manga; anything you can think of! They can be examples of sad tears, angry tears, happy tears or a combination of all three.
Nominate 5 (or more) people to share their emotional traumas
(Note: Try not to spoil the story for your readers in case they would like to check out these romances on their own)

Now I Rise — Kiersten White (ARC Review)

"They had nothing better, nowhere else to go. They were loyal to her, and to the hope that perhaps she would find them a place in the world."

After leaving Mehmed's side to carve out her own path to the throne of Wallachia, Lada Dracul finds herself without allies, assistance, or power to speak of, besides the loyalty of her men. When she finds that Mehmed has not been entirely honest or beneficial to her cause, Lada's rage encourages her to finally embrace the cruelty of her nature and to seek out the throne via any means necessary.

Meanwhile, Radu helps Mehmed plot to overtake Constantinople, but the waters become muddied when Radu is sent into the city as a spy and begins to second-guess his own motives as well as the sultan's. Will Radu's love for his childhood friend be enough, or must he, too, find his own way?

Liebster Award #1

First, huge thank you to Cheeky Booky for nominating me in her post! She actually tagged me earlier this month, but I somehow missed it until recently, and as soon as I realized I hadn't passed it on, I knew I had to right away! I'll be answering the questions she came up with, of course.

The Mid-Year Freakout Book Tag

I’ll go ahead and get this confession out of the way: I wasn’t tagged in this one. Nope. I’m a self-proclaimed tag kleptomaniac. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME STOP! … ahem. Sorry. Moving on! I nabbed this lovely little tag specifically from two wonderful blogs I follow: Inspiration Pie and Stephanie’s Novel Fiction! I’ll tag Melanie, Sionna, Lois & David, Dani, Solomon, Chelsea, Alicia, Suzanne, Romie, and anyone else who wants to participate! If you post yours, please tag me and/or leave a link below so I can view it! 1....

Royal Bastards — Andrew Shvarts (ARC Review)

“Yeah, well, you basically don’t have emotions between ‘gotta kill’ and ‘yay, I killed,’ so that’s not really a surprise.” Life as a royal bastard is never easy, but for Tilla, it’s far from the lot she wants in life. She spends her days drinking away the hours with her half-brother, Jax, holding to a small, childlike hope that her father, Lord of House Kent, will someday legitimize her. Despite these problems, life is simple enough, until the Princess Lyriana...