Autumn 2023 TBR (and a look back at my Summer TBR progress)

September 25, 2023

It’s time for my AUTUMN TBR!

Before diving into my summer goals, I want to take a look back at my Summer TBR and see how much progress I’ve made.

summer ’23 tbr

  1. Night’s Edge
  2. The Jasad Heir
  3. Maeve Fly
  4. Off Season
  5. FantasticLand ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  6. The Long Walk ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I finished 2 books from my summer TBR and I’m currently working on another one, but sadly, I didn’t get to the first 3 books on the list — which is an extra bummer because they were my “high priority” ARC picks, so I’m still going to try really hard to pick them up soon! 

I decided to split this season in half: 50% ARCs, 50% TBR jar picks!
autumn ’23 tbr

🍁 Bloom // Delilah S. Dawson → releases October 3, 2023 → First, how stunning is this cover? Second, this is a sapphic horror romance, it’s a really short read, and it just sounds like something perfect for reading outside in the crisp autumn air.

🍁 In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology // Marie O’Regan & Paul Kane → released September 12, 2023 → I’ve never read much dark academia, but I love this editing duo and I feel like fall is the perfect time to read these stories!

🍁 Horror Library, Vol. 8 // Eric J. Guignard → released July 25, 2023 → This horror anthology is absolutely stunning and I’ve been eager to start it soon!

🍁 Our Last Echoes // Kate Alice Marshall → I love KAM’s books and have been meaning to work on the stack of unread titles I own by her, so I was stoked to pull this one from the jar. It’s a YA supernatural thriller about a girl trying to find the truth about her mother’s disappearance and I’m sure I’m going to enjoy it!

🍁 Linghun // Ai Jiang → All I know is that this is a ghost story, it’s less than 200 pages, and a TON of my friends adored it.

🍁 A Dowry of Blood // S.T. Gibson → I can’t believe I haven’t read this yet! 🤦‍♀️ I really want to read it before the sequel (companion novel? idk) comes out in February, though.

What’s on your AUTUMN TBR?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I didn’t realize there was a sequel coming out for Dowry. I am now trying to rearrange my immediate TBR because I also have to catch up…

      1. I’m not 100% sure if it’s a sequel or companion novel or what, but I keep seeing it listed alongside Dowry so I’m pretty sure it’s related somehow! I’m reading Dowry right now and LOVING it – really gorgeous writing!

    1. I’m going to be sharing my Fall TBR as soon as I have time to sit down and think about what I want to read. As of right now I know of 2 books I will be putting in there.

    1. These all have such pretty covers! I read Maeve Fly this month, and it was one of the weirdest, grossest books I’ve read in a long time. Hopefully you get to it soon!

    1. I really want to read more Kate Alice Marshall. I’ve only read one of hers but it’s one of my favourites and I want to pick more up!

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