

2020 TBR & Resolutions!

2020 feels like an exceptionally good year to focus on bringing about positive change in my life because not only is the beginning of a new decade something that feels incredibly symbolic to me, but — *knocks on wood* — I’m speaking it into the universe now: I have a lot of hope and optimism about this new year!  In 2019, my biggest goal was to learn to take it easier on myself and practice more self-care. While I obviously still have...

COVER REVEAL: That Kind of Guy by Talia Hibbert!

I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to share this post with you lovelies today! When Talia reached out and asked if I’d like to help her reveal the gorgeous new cover of her upcoming release, THAT KIND OF GUY, I freaked out. That’s such an understatement it’s not even funny, but—well, you’re not here to hear me gush about my feels, you’re here to SEE THE COVER!  *screams forever*...

Horror Recommendations, Pt. II: My Creepy TBR!

In case you missed it, earlier today, I posted pt. I of this recommendations idea: horror books I enjoyed, complete with “creep level” ratings! Definitely go check that post out, too! Spooky Reads I Expect to Enjoy: Everything below this point is a book I have yet to read and cannot vouch for, but they’re all stories that sounded intriguing to me for one reason or another. It’s not my full horror TBR, just the ones I feel confident I’ll...