June 2024 Recap & Haul Time!

July 31, 2024

🌿 JUNE reading 🌿

It’s time for another monthly reading recap!

I can’t believe I didn’t post this sooner! It’s the last day of July and I’m just now posting my June recap. 😅 It just kept getting away from me this month. I actually considered not posting this at all and have been strongly considering moving away from monthly wrap-ups. It’s tough to decide, because I like having these posts to look back on later, and I think they’re fun to read on other people’s blogs… but I actually hate writing recap posts. 😬

I’m going to go ahead and write up a shortened version of one for June and I’ll probably write one for July as well, but starting with August’s reading updates, I might go back to weekly check-ins and drop monthly wrap-ups altogether. Maybe instead of a monthly wrap-up, I’ll start doing more in-depth quarterly recaps and posting reviews on here more often? 🤔 I dunno. A lot feels “in limbo” with this blog for me right now, to tell you all the truth.

✨ month at a glance ✨

  • books completed: 7
  • books DNFed: 0
  • avg rating: 3.8
  • avg pages read per day: 65
  • best book(s): Phoenix Unbound re-read
  • worst book(s): Hitched

✨ ratings ✨

(each title link will direct you to my review for more thoughts!)

5 stars
4 & 4.5 stars
3 & 3.5 stars
2 & 2.5 stars
  • nothing this month
1 & 1.5 stars
  • nothing this month
  • nothing this month

✨ hauls ✨


I didn’t do much damage in June, but I did get quite a few used books! I took a huge box of books to trade in at my local used bookstore and got a LOT of store credit, so I was able to haul quite a bit without spending it all. I also had a pre-order come in and got a gift from Misty!

review copies:

How was your month? What was your favorite book you read or hauled, or what was something nice that happened in your life?


— destiny ♥


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

Say hello! ♥

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