Miniature Monday #7

October 23, 2017

Every Monday, I’ll be posting a small batch of mini-reviews for graphic novels, comics, poetry collections, short stories, and other miscellaneous items that may be too short for a full-length review post. This week, I’ll be reviewing one poetry collection, two graphic novels, and one illustrated nonfiction title.

Depression & Other Magic Tricks – Sabrina Benaim


“i held hands
with my sadness,
sang it songs in the shower,
fed it lunch,
got it drunk
& put it to bed early.”

I was delighted to receive an ARC of this book, because I’ve seen Sabrina’s infamous poetry recitals floating around facebook and youtube, and love her rawness and authenticity. Unfortunately, her collection doesn’t quite live up to expectations; I found that her best works were the ones I’d already heard and read, and a bit of the rest of the book is repetitive. That said, she’s still an incredible poet and I’d recommend checking her work out if you enjoy sad, anxious words about unrequited love and mental health struggles.

Thank you to NetGalley and Button Poetry for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

goodreads . amazon . bookdepository }

The Walking Dead, Vol 2: Miles Behind Us – Robert Kirkman


I can’t say I enjoyed this one as much as volume 1, but it was still a damn enjoyable graphic novel! It’s so interesting to watch how differently the story unfolds from what I’m familiar with on the television show. I have to say that there are a lot of things I strongly prefer in the show (like, um, Beth’s existence?), but I’ll definitely be continuing the series to watch things progress in their original intended way.

goodreads . amazon . bookdepository }

Hero Cats of Stellar City: Year One – Kyle Puttkammer


Cute little cartoon cats performing superhero antics and saving the day? I mean, I was sold on that synopsis right away, but honestly… this was super boring. I love children’s and middle grade books, partially because they tend to be so fun and whimsical, but I felt like this graphic novel took what could have been a perfect plot and just left it at kind of… “meh.”

Thank you to NetGalley and Diamond Book Distributors for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

goodreads }

Women in Sports – Rachel Ignotofsky


I love any sort of book that caters to my feminist side (which, if we’re being honest, is all of me?), and I also am a slight sports fan, so when I saw this book, I had to grab a copy! I’ve heard good things about this book’s predecessor, “Women in Science”, and while I haven’t read that one, I can safely say that I LOVED this book. I’m not much of a non-fiction reader, so reading anything educational honestly usually requires something special added in the mix, and this book absolutely has that, between how easy to read it is and how adorable the illustrations are.

I learned so much about so many awesome female athletes and was reminded of how incredible and EQUAL we women genuinely are (in every way, no matter what society says!). I can see myself recommending this title to so many friends and family members, and cannot wait until my son is old enough for me to read this with him and to teach him about incredible women in sports.

Thank you so much to Blogging For Books for sending me a stunning finished copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.


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