Randomizing My TBR #6

April 15, 2024

It’s time to randomize my tbr!

I’ve been watching DB post about randomizing her TBR and it just looks like so much fun, I had to join in! I’ve been missing the TBR-themed memes like Down the TBR Hole but I wanted something fresh and I felt like this was a fun new take on it!


  • Go to your want-to-read shelf
  • From the drop-down lists at the bottom (on desktop), change “per page” to 10 and “sort” to random
  • Decide what to do with them: remove, read, or leave them on your TBR (or do what DB did, and what I’ve done also: sort them onto a priority TBR list!)

Original TBR shelf count (as of 03/09/2024): 4185

⛔ remove ⛔

  • Mister Bodyguard by Lauren Rowe: I don’t remember adding this, and I very rarely reach for contemporary romance anymore.
  • Unbound by Christy Healy: This is a fantasy retelling that I also don’t remember adding, and don’t really feel interested in.
  • The Dead Boyfriend by R.L. Stine: Once upon a time, I thought I would go back and read all of the Fear Street thrillers, but I’ve come to terms with reality since then 😅
  • Whisperwood by Alex Woodroe: I like dark fantasy, but this doesn’t strike my interest much and I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s a bit slow.
  • Don’t Look in the Trees by Jason Nickey: Another one I don’t remember adding 👀 is someone else secretly using my Goodreads account?!
  • Getaway by Zoje Stage: I’m not really interested in anything this author writes, which is unfortunate since I have audiobooks of a few of her books 😬
  • Zero Hour by Tina Glasneck: This was a Stuff Your Kindle freebie that I lost interest in.
  • The Queen of Raiders by Sarah Kozloff: I do want to check out this series, but I’m trying to start removing books 2 through whatever in series I haven’t started yet.

❗ move to “top-tbr” shelf ❗

  • Christmas Eve Carnage by John Lynch: Christmas is a while away, but this cover is so much fun and I’m pretty sure I would enjoy this regardless of what time of year it is!
  • Cirque Berserk by Jessica Guess: I’ve been meaning to read this for ages! It looks like a cheesy good time.

🥱 I’ll get to it eventually 🥱

  • nothing this week!

are there any books you think I should have left on my tbr? which of my top-tbr books should I read next?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

1 Comment
    1. Oh good, you got one of those “basically remove everything days”! I do love when that happens. I’ve absolutely think that someone else is using my GR account and adding everything in

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