September 2023 TBR & Journal Spreads

September 1, 2023

Another month, another TBR ~

I only read about half of my August TBR, but despite that, it was a VERY good reading month! I can’t wait to show you all my recap post next week! I definitely didn’t learn any lessons, though, because I’m setting my goals too high again in September. Will I ever change? Nobody knows! 😅

August goal check-in: 

  1. Read 50+ pages per day ✅ (I technically failed at this challenge ONE day, but 30/31 days is good enough for me to call it a win!)
  2. 4 blog & IG posts per week ❌ (NOPE – maybe I should admit defeat on this one until I stop having so many things on my schedule)
  3. Read as many ARCs as possible 🤷‍♀️ (there’s no real win or lose on this one, but I read a lot! Not as many as I hoped to, but still)

My goals for September are: 

I keep hoping every month will be a little less busy than the one before it, but September is looking pretty full so I won’t even go into that spiel this time. 🙃

  1. Read 50+ pages per day (I loved bringing this goal back!)
  2. Read 1 short story (or more) per day (I haven’t tried this goal in a LONG time but I have a bunch of anthologies I want to catch up on!)
  3. Review everything I complete in September within 24 hours of completing it (this one is going to be a big challenge for me 😬)

SEPTEMBER’s picks:

The theme of the month is, as usual, buddy reads and group reads! These aren’t even all of the buddy/group reads I’ve signed up for in September, just the highest priority ones. 😅 Oh well, I’m loving my reading life lately even if my schedule is a bit chaotic!

🍂 Drowning // T.J. Newman → A recent haul and a group read with some people in Horror Aficionados!

🍂 Vampires of El Norte // Isabel Canas → A review copy and a buddy read with Malli!

🍂 Tangling with Trolls // Hazel Mack → Another buddy read with Malli — we both adored Getting It On With Gargoyles last month ♥

🍂 Soul of a Witch // Harley Laroux → Another buddy read with Malli! We buddy read the first two books in this series and have been waiting for what feels like forever for the finale! I plan on starting this one today 🥳

🍂 The Ghost Tree // Christina Henry → TBR & Beyond’s horror BOTM pick. I never get tired of CH’s books!

🍂 Mister Magic // Kiersten White → The Books Out of the Blue BOTM pick! I’m hearing mixed reviews for this one but I’m looking forward to it.

🍂 The Book of Witches // Jonathan Strahan → Last buddy read with Malli for this TBR! 😂 We meant to get to this one in August, but didn’t quite make it happen.

🍂 The September House // Carissa Orlando → A recent review copy haul and a group read with some friends on Instagram!

SEPTEMBER bujo spreads:

The theme for this month was “fall chaos” and I love how it turned out. 🤎🧡 For my TBR pages, I decided to do something similar to last month’s spreads by dedicating one side to my committed TBR and the other side to some review copies and new hauls I’d like to get to if I can.

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Looks like a fantastic reading month! I mentioned on your Insta post that I LOVED The September House, so my month already has a fantastic start?

    1. I honestly do best when I write my review right away. I don’t know why it’s so hard to do! I think I want to be reading the next thing. I love your journal spreads.

      1. It really is so hard! I think you hit the nail on the head. It was easier when I read less books, but now it’s like, one book down, ready for the next one! ? Which isn’t a bad thing, but it does make sitting down to write the review harder. And thank you so much!!

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