Summer 2022 TBR (and a look back at my spring progress) [Top 10 Tuesday]

June 28, 2022

It’s time for my Summer TBR!

Before diving into my summer goals, I want to take a look back at my Spring TBR and see how much progress I’ve made.

spring ’22 tbr

  1. ⌛ Book of Night
  2. ⌛ Screams from the Dark (in progress)
  3. ⌛ Book Lovers
  4. ❌ Hands Down (removed from TBR)
  5. ❌ Drag Me Up (removed from TBR)
  6. ➡️ House of Earth and Blood (delayed)
  7. ✅ The Taking of Jake Livingston ❌ DNF 
  8. ✅ Queen of Teeth (set aside for another time)
  9. ✅ Grown ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  10. ⌛ This is How You Lose the Time War

I’m not even sure how to figure up a completion percentage for this one, because I allowed myself to do something I normally don’t do and outright removed books from my TBR based on my mood. I removed Hands Down because I didn’t enjoy The Wall of Winnipeg and Me enough to read this, removed Drag Me Up because I wasn’t in the mood for a Hades/Persephone romance retelling right now (unpopular opinion, maybe, but I’m really getting a little burnt out on Hades/Persephone retellings), and I delayed House of Earth and Blood because Caro and I are going to buddy read it later this year! I also set aside Queen of Teeth because I was having a hard time getting into it.

I’m currently reading Book of Night, Screams from the Dark, Book Lovers, and This is How You Lose the Time War, though I’m hoping to actually finish those last 2 by the time this post goes live!

summer ’22 tbr

I really liked putting some TBR jar picks into my Spring TBR, so I decided to do that again with my Summer list! The rest of these are buddy/group reads and review copies, aside from one mood read.

🌻 Beanstalker and Other Hilarious Scarytales // Kiersten White → TBR jar I’ve never read any of Kiersten White’s MG books before, but this is supposed to be horror/humor and I’m excited. I love silly, creepy MG books.

🌻 Hammers On Bone // Cassandra Khaw → TBR jar I LOVE everything I’ve read by Cass so far and I’m excited to finally start this series!

🌻 What Moves the Dead // T. Kingfisher  TBR jar + review copy → I loved T. Kingfisher’s The Twisted Ones and I love the Poe story this is based on, The Fall of the House of Usher, so I already know I’m prioritizing this one.

🌻 Black Tide // K.C. Jones → review copy This sounds super creepy from the reviews I’ve read and it sounds like a good summer horror read since it’s based around water!

🌻 Frightmares // Eva V. Gibson → review copy → I looooved Eva V. Gibson’s debut Together We Caught Fire, but that was contemporary and I’m VERY excited to see her take on horror!

🌻 #thighgap // Chandler Morrison  review copy → I’ve never read anything by this author but a bunch of my friends LOVE his book and I’m excited to read this! I think it might be extreme horror.

🌻 House of Earth and Blood // Sarah J. Maas 2022 TBR + buddy read with Caro → Finally starting this series and SO hyped to buddy read it with Caro!

🌻 Strangers // Michaelbrent Collings  TBR & Beyond group read → I’ve been meaning to read a lot of this author’s books so I’m looking forward to this. I think it involves a home invasion, which is a horror theme I’m really into lately!

🌻 The Haunting of Leigh Harker // Darcy Coates → TBR & Beyond group read → I haven’t read any Darcy Coates books in way too long. I always love her “cozy horror” vibes!

🌻 Kill River // Cameron Roubique  mood read → I’ve been meaning to read this every single summer for YEARS and I’m determined to do it this year!

What’s on your Summer TBR? If you’ve made a post or video about it, please feel free to drop a link below – I’d love to see it! ♥



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Oh I’ve never heard of Beanstalker before. I’ll have to check that out. 😀

      And hey at least you were actively busy with your spring tbr. Moving things around and all that. That counts in my book.

      1. Thank you! 😀 I like your thinking, haha.

        I haven’t seen a lot of talk about Beanstalker… well, any talk about it at all, really! I saw it in a used book sale a while back and grabbed it on a whim because I knew I had liked some of the author’s other stuff, so I’m hoping it’s good!

    1. I haven’t heard of most of these titles and am definitely adding some of these to my October TBR! I have a re-read for HOEAB and starting HOSAB in July which I am so excited for. I am always too ambitious with my seasonal/monthly tbr’s but I’ve been working on getting review copies caught back up which is a slow process! This is such a great post!

    1. You do keep good track of your reading! Wow! That’s impressive indeed. Book of Night is making its mark, I think I might like it as well and of course Book Lovers.

      Good luck with your summer TBR!

      Elza Reads

    1. I’m actually in the middle of reading Hands Down right now and you’re really not missing much. I loved Zapata’s newest one, All Rhodes Lead Here, but this one is kinda boring.

      1. Oh no, I’m sorry you’re not enjoying it! That does make me feel a bit better about skipping it, though. :/ But I’m glad you liked Rhodes, I really do want to pick that one up! I’m thinking I may like her newer stuff better than her older stuff. I liked Dear Aaron, too – did you read that one?

    1. Exciting Summer TBR Post, lovely! *adds about 5 books to My “TBR” (we both know I mean Books That Sound Freaking Awesome On My Super Long List Of Books I’ll Probably Buy & Then Read When The Mood Strikes; My Very Own ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Book. ?)

      Love you girl!
      —Ash ?

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