Sunday Post — February 24, 2019

February 24, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

  • It Ends With Us — Colleen Hoover (NA contemporary review)
  • Haul & TBR
  • State of the ARC


new review arrivals…


    • Dream Daddy
    • Aurora Rising
    • The Takeover Effect
    • Star Collector, Vol. 1
    • Girls With Sharp Sticks
    • House of Skin
    • Stoker’s Wilde
    • Ghost Mine


a week in the life of…

This week was the first time in a while that I felt like I was SORT OF on top of my blog — I got caught up on comments, and even scheduled a few posts more than 24 hours in advance, which has been a struggle for me since the start of the year!
Outside of that, it was a weird and long week, much like the last few have been. The storms sweeping most of the US have given us endless heavy rain for days (closer to weeks) on end, which isn’t a fun combo with SAD. I am very, very ready for spring. ? On top of everything else, I woke up sick as hell yesterday and spent most of the day sleeping off fevers. Bleh!

a few last words…



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I hope the weather gets better, and also that the SAD will disappear!
      I also got a copy of The Takeover Effect last week, I can’t wait to read it 🙂
      Scheduling is not happening at all these days, I just want to read! Not write reviews of most anything else…
      Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading!

      1. Thank you, Lexxie! How’s the weather over there? 🙂 And congrats on also getting The Takeover Effect. Doesn’t it just sound great? And I love the cover. It’s so classy and brooding haha. Happy reading to you too! ♥

    1. Hope the weather gets better for you. It has felt like Spring here the past few days but apparently we may have some more snow coming.
      I’m so not on top of my blog or reading at the mo, I’m in a bit of a slump and need to pull myself out!!!

      1. Thank you! I hope you don’t get too much snow – unless you *want* more snow, in which case, obviously I’d hope you get it haha! I hope your slump passes soon! ♥ Crossing my fingers and sending you motivational vibes!

        1. We had about 20cm a few weeks ago….I love it for a day and then I’m fed up of it! If it can come and go in a day I’ll be happy ?

    1. omg what is that dream daddy book???? Also I’m sorry the weather and ill has been so blegh recently! We’ve been super lucky as Spring seems to have arrived here and this weekend has had such beautiful sunshine. I’ve been using every excuse to get out of the house to sit outside to help with my depression at the moment. I’ll wish some sunshine over the ocean for you

      1. It’s a collection of comics about the DD characters, written by 2 of the game’s co-creators! (Not Arin and Dan, of course) It looks so cute.
        Thank you, love. I’m so glad the weather has been nicer over there!! It really does wonders for my mental health whenever spring rolls around so I’m excited to hear it’s been helping you, too. ♥♥ thank you!

    1. There’s a book for Dream Daddy?!!?!?! Sorry about the rain love, we have been drowning in rain which is nice because we really need the rain here in California. I hope you enjoy Aurora Rising and HOORAY for being caught up on your blog!

      *sorry I passed out* ? I hope you love it because it’s one of my most anticipated reads! Eeee I can’t wait to see AIDAN again… ? I do hope the digital copy is good because I prefer the physical copy of Illuminae over the eBook, and I rarely have a preference!

      1. Hahaha thank you love!! I’ve already started it but I’m only 1 chapter in so far. It seems to be formatted like a regular novel so it’s working fine so far in ebook format, though a little bit of me is missing the “multimedia” aspect!

    1. Love this post / weekly feature! I think I’m going to start doing it in the Spring. SO jealous of your ARC of Girl with Sharp Sticks

      1. Fingers crossed for you!! We haven’t gotten any snow this winter (we usually don’t, of course), but we’re getting ridiculous amounts of rain. It’s rained almost every day for… 2 weeks? Maybe closer to 3? And we’re expecting rain every single day for the next 15 days. END MY MISERY, SUNSHINE. ?

        1. Of course we got a foot and a half of snow last night and I had to leave for work at 6am in it before the roads were properly plowed UGH. Luckily it’s well-cleared now and got nice and sunny after! I am counting down the days until I can read outside.

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