T10T: Top Spring TBR Picks!

March 20, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt was to pick ten books on your spring TBR, so here are a list of titles that I am planning on reading this spring. As always, click the titles for Goodreads links. 🙂


1. Ace of Shades — Amanda Foody
I actually meant to read this by now, but I’ve been fighting off a slump lately. I enjoyed Amanda’s debut a lot, but I’m hearing very mixed reviews on this one, so I’m interested to see what I think of it!
Unreleased, ARC; releases April 10th, 2018
March/April TBR

2. Devils Unto Dust — Emma Berquist
This is supposed to be a horror/western genre-smasher, and it sounds sooo freaking cool. I might actually pick this one up this week!
Unreleased, ARC; releases April 10th, 2018
March/April TBR

3. Beyond a Darkened Shore — Jessica Leake
This is one of those ARCs that I feel so pumped for and was so excited to be approved for, but a lot of my friends have been feeling “meh” about it lately, so I’m going to try to read it before I stumble across anymore negative reviews and risk my opinion being biased! (Does anyone else have to do this for ARCs sometimes?)
Unreleased, ARC; releases April 10th, 2018
April TBR

4. Ash Princess — Laura Sebastian
Do you ever have a book that you just know in your gut you’re going to love? This is one of those for me.
Unreleased, ARC; releases April 10th, 2018
April TBR


5. Leah on the Offbeat — Becky Albertalli
Leah was actually one of my least favorite parts of Simon, but plus-size bi rep from an author I do genuinely enjoy? You know I’m here for this!
Unreleased, pre-order; releases April 24th, 2018

6. A Court of Frost and Starlight — Sarah J. Maas
If any of you think there’s a chance in hell I’m not reading this ON ITS RELEASE DAY, you wild.
Unreleased, pre-order; releases May 1st, 2018


7. The Alchemists of Loom — Elise Kova
This got voted in as one of Life & Lit‘s group reads for April, so I’ll finally get around to reading it!
Backlist title

8. Six of Crows — Leigh Bardugo
I am SO PUMPED for this one! I’m finally reading Ruin & Rising right now (almost finished!), and will be buddy reading this one in the next few weeks.
Backlist title
April TBR

9. A Gathering of Shadows — V. E. Schwab
This is another buddy read that I am super excited for, as continuing this amazing series is quite over-due!
Backlist title
April TBR

10. Down Among the Sticks and Bones — Seanan McGuire
I am forever here for all the Seanan McGuire stories about diverse, odd little characters and fantastical, creepy settings.
Backlist title
March TBR

What are some of your spring TBR titles?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. omg I forget that Leah on the Offbeat was so close?!! I am super excited to get my hands on more Albertali. A gathering of shadows YAY I love that book so much hope you do too, buddy reading will be the best way coz you have someone to scream at while reading XD Awesome list

      1. Yesss, super close! I still actually need to read Upside by her, but I’m really excited for Leah even more.
        Haha yess! It’ll be a reread for one of the people in the buddy read so I will be yelling all of my emotions at her, lol!

          1. Thank you, I think I will! Hahaha yes, exactly. It’s nice to not have to tread lightly or be like, “Okay, uh… has this VAGUE THING with this VAGUE PERSON happened yet…?” Bahaha

    1. Six Of Crows is so good. I still have to read Crooked Kingdom. Kind of putting it off because I don’t want to finish up in that world for now.

      1. Aww, I don’t blame you. 🙁 We’re going to buddy read Crooked Kingdom a few weeks after SOC, but I know it’s going to be so sad to say goodbye to the Grisha world for a while. Then again, at least I’ll also have Language of Thorns to help hold me over until the Nikolai book(s)!

    1. I absolutely love Becky Albertalli, so I’m looking forward to Leah too! I hope you enjoy these books when you get around to them.

    1. I still haven’t ordered my copy of Leah on the Offbeat, but in my defense.. My pre-orders don’t even show up on time so I might just order it the day of its release to save myself some frustrations. :’)
      I was declined for Ash Princess – BOO. 🙁 Broke my little heart but.. maybe someday. :’)

      1. I don’t blame you. :/ I pre-order constantly, but I’ve given up on them arriving on time. Obsidio wasn’t supposed to show up on time, so I went to the mall nearby and bought a copy because I literally couldn’t stand to wait an extra day to start it. I feel so uppity saying that, but like… I NEEDED IT, lmao. Meanwhile, books I don’t feel a pressing need to read RIGHT THAT MOMENT? They always show up on release day. -_-
        Ughhh. 🙁 I’m sorry, love.

        1. Ha, I saw that passing by and I had a little laugh about it – before feeling frustrated that you had two copies and I had NONE at that point but hey, that’s life. 😛
          That suuuucks. The three or four times I preordered something, it always showed up late and I hate it.. But going to the bookstore and buy it already isn’t really an option since my pre-orders are hardcovers or the format I need it to fit the other books in the series and.. in the bookstores they only have the paperbacks. :’)

            1. When in the actual hell are people going to invent that shit? It’s not like it wouldn’t be useful for like EVERYONE. [Not to mention it’d be byebye disadvantage to international bloggers.. xD]
              Right?! Even the Waterstones over here only has paperbacks while the ones in the UK are hardcovers all the way. IT SUCKS.

            1. Right? You could just get a PO box here! 😛
              I can imagine. 🙁 I like paperbacks ooookaaaaay – every now and then I prefer them, but not usually – but hardbacks are my go-to because they’re just so much more durable.

            1. How would that even work? xD
              I prefer them when I have places to go because they’re way lighter but.. like.. even then I’d be more likely to just take my Kindle with me and get some eARC’s read. :’) Hardbacks all the way as long as I can afford them. :’)

            1. Well, if you had a teleporter, you could use the PO box for US-based ARCs, then just teleport over and grab them whenever you want! 😛
              Oh yeah, when it comes to reading on the go, I have grown very fond of my ebooks. It’s funny because I was totally, 100% one of those people, in my late teens, who was like, “Kindles are ruining bookstores and the physical book industry! You’ll never make me read an ebook!” Then, somewhere in my very early 20s, I realized that the bulk of my reading tastes for several years had been a mix of free online horror stories on reddit, and online fanfics. 😛 So I was like, “Oh… okay… yeah, I can give this kindle thing a try” and now I’m hooked.

            1. Or the publisher could just teleport the things straight to Belgium? 😀
              Yup. I was the exact same, but it only started when I started my blog and had eARC’s to read. Now I’m so used to just being in bed and reading without having to bend in awkward angles to keep my book upright?! Every time I try, I’m so close to having it fall in my face or against it.. :’) But that might also be me and my clumsiness, yay. 😛

            1. … that would make TOO much sense.
              Ugh, yeah, I feel you. I can’t lay in bed and read physical books. My arms get tired, and then I drop the book, and just… it’s not comfy. I also have to say that I didn’t read a TON of ebooks (because I only buy them if they’re on sale – I never pay full price for them for whatever weird cheapskate reason lmao) until I got into eARCs. Sweet, sweet Netgalley, the siren she is…

    1. I loved the Grisha trilogy, but “Six of Crows” was on a different level. All of the characters were so well-developed and complex. I`m also really excited for Ace of Shades. The plot sounds so cool!

      1. That’s what I keep hearing about SOC! I really can’t wait to read it. I’m a little nervous about Ace, because I keep hearing people say they felt like it ripped off SOC, actually. I hope we both enjoy it and don’t feel that way about it!

    1. Awesome list! I have a copy of Ash Princess as well and it’s been getting great reviews. Seanan McGuire’s series is one of my favorites, I hope you love it as much as I did!

      1. Thank you, Tammy! 🙂 I haven’t seen a ton of reviews for Ash Princess, so I’m really glad to hear that. Hopefully we will both love it! And yesss, I honestly can’t imagine disliking anything Seanan writes at this point!

    1. I need to pick up Ash Princess soon. I hope you enjoy all the books you chose. I’ve read Ace of Shades (loved it) and Beyond a Darkened Shore (liked it) already. I also have the same two books pre-ordered as you do. 🙂

      1. Haha yesss, she has been on so many lists! I’m so stoked. 🙂 I’m glad you loved Simon! <3 And I don't know if you saw my comment yet, but I LOVED your blog post! I saw it in my Reader this morning and was like, "omg yes please!" and now I have it bookmarked so I can make sure I have all of them on my Goodreads shelves, haha!

    1. I love how you set this post up! And you doooo have Ace of Shades on here hehe. And ACOFAS hehehe. Also, I hope you enjoy Six of Crows (epic), and The Alchemists of Loom (super awesome)! 😀

    1. So many great books! Leah and ACOFAS made my list too, and I can’t believe I forgot Ash Princess! And I do hope you’ll love Six of Crows and A Gathering of Shadows as much as I did 🙂

    1. The first half of my top ten is also ARC’s. Lol. I definitely think Ash Princess sounds good as well. It’s definitely a book I’ll have to pick up at some point after it releases. Hope you get to read all these this spring! 🙂

      1. Haha I’m glad I’m not alone! I’ve been trying to request way less ARCs this year, and doing a really good job of it tbh, but I was given a ton of spring ARCs back in 2017 that are now catching up to me because I spent too much of the last couple of months reading backlist titles instead of ARCs, lol!

    1. I have to start Sarah J. Maas’ series before I can get to this one. i have the first two books in the series but just haven’t gotten to them. Guess I know what is next on my list 🙂

    1. Oh this is a lovely list 🙂 I can’t wait to read Leah either, she wasn’t my favorite character in Simon, vs., but I am really looking forward to getting to know her a bit more and hopefully love her in that new book 🙂
      I can’t wait for you to continue with the Shades of Magic series, it is just brilliant 🙂 x

      1. Thank you, Marie! She wasn’t my fave in Simon, either, but for some reason my gut is just telling me that I’m going to enjoy her more in her own book! I really hope I’m right, haha. 🙂

    1. I still need to read Six of Crows and A Darker Shade of Magic – I feel like I’m one of the only people in the blogging community that hasn’t at least started one of the series, so I feel a bit better knowing you’re still working on them, too!
      I’m also looking forward to Ash Princess, which I was lucky enough to be accepted to read via NetGalley. I’ve heard so many brilliant things about it already, so my expectations are definitely high.

      1. Definitely don’t feel bad! I’ve only read book 1 in the Shade of Magic series and haven’t started the SOC duology at all, so you are definitely not alone! 🙂
        Oh, good, congrats! Hopefully we both love it!

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