

Brooding YA Hero – Carrie Ann DiRisio (ARC Review)

Goodreads synopsis: Have you ever wished you could receive a little guidance from your favorite book boyfriend? Ever dreamed of being the Chosen One in a YA novel? Want to know all the secrets of surviving the dreaded plot twist? Or maybe you’re just really confused about what “opal-tinted, luminous cerulean orbs” actually are? Well, popular Twitter personality @broodingYAhero is here to help as he tackles the final frontier in his media dominance: writing a book. Join Broody McHottiepants as...

Top 10 Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning to Start But Haven't!

This one is pretty self-explanatory, and as a reader with a TBR pile that has been slowly burying me alive for most of my teen and adult life, this one should be a breeze. I didn't want today's post to just be a basic numbered list, because I feel like you guys deserve more information than that. ;) So, I'm going to also give you a quick rundown of when the series began, how many books are currently in it, and if it has been completed!