jk rowling


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets — J.K. Rowling

TITLE: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2) AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling GENRE: Fantasy AGE RANGE: MG SYNOPSIS: The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he’s packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby who says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike. And strike it does. For in Harry’s...

Ultimate Harry Potter Tag

What do you do when it reaches lunch time and you realize – much to your own shock and horror – that you didn’t schedule a blog post for today? Why, you do a tag, of course! I was tagged by Holly over at Nut Free Nerd to do this super fun tag, so let’s jump right in! Thanks, Holly! 1. Favorite book? This one is tough, but I’ve gotta go with Prisoner of Azkaban. I loved our introduction to Sirius Black....

Hogwarts Tag

I love this tag! I’ve never seen a strictly HP-themed tag before, so I was super excited when Liza tagged me! By the way, if you’re not following her, well… what are you doing with your life? She has one of my fave blogs and she’s really wonderful, so go give her a follow after you’re done here! Am I a pureblood, half-blood, or muggle born? Both of my parents have seen every film, most of them multiple times, and...