reading goals


DISCUSSION: Let's Talk About TBR Jars!

Hello, everyone! I wanted to talk about something today that, if you follow my twitter, you probably knew was coming: TBR jars! I’ve thought about making one before, but I always figured that it wouldn’t work for me, since I read a lot of “time sensitive” things (like ARCs and themed TBRs). Then, it occurred to me—a TBR jar could really help me work on my backlist and stick to my book ban! Let me tell you why I think it...

DISCUSSION: Mid-Year Reading Goal Update!

With the year halfway over, I know I’ve already done an update on my reading stats so far, but I also wanted to talk about our reading goals! I know I’m not the only one who made a list of 2018 reading resolutions (you can read my main goal post here, or my list of 10 resolutions here), so I wanted to update you all on how my resolutions are going, as well as to ask you guys how YOUR...