Tags & Awards

Listed in order from most recent to oldest…

The Book Addiction Tag

Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read Tag

Two Truths & A Lie Tag

A to Z Book Tag

Santa’s Little Helper Tag

Musical Shuffle Book Tag

Bookish “Naughty or Nice” Tag!

The End of the Year Book Tag: 2018 Edition!

The “Out of My Comfort Zone” Book Tag!

The Spooky “Would You Rather” Tag

Coffee Book Tag

The Fall Reading Book Tag!

“I want to play a game…” (or the Saw/Jigsaw Book Tag!)

Halloween Creatures Tag 2.0

“Halloween in July” Book Tag ???

Liebster Award #6-8

Sunshine Blogger Award #11-12

Book Blogger Test Tag

Avatar: The Last Airbender Book Tag

The NetGalley Tag!

Blogger Recognition Award

The Spring Cleaning Book Tag

Liebster Award #4-5

The “I Love Spring!” Book Tag

Sunshine Blogger Award #7-10

Mystery Blogger Awards #1-5

Most Popular Books on My TBR

The Cheesy Goodness Tag

The 20 Questions Book Tag

2018 New Years Resolution Book Tag

The 2017 “Year in Review” Book Tag

The “Books Under the Tree” Tag!

The Christmas Tag

eReader Book Tag

The Thanksgiving Book Tag! ?

“Where Do My Books Come From?”

“Currently Reading” Tag

Spooky Halloween Tag

Spooky Scary Book Tag

Ultimate Harry Potter Tag

Autumn Book Tag

The “Books I Will Probably Never Read” Tag

The End of the Year Book Tag

The NetGalley Tag

Sunshine Blogger Award #3, #4, #5, #6

The “NOPE” Tag

The “Get to Know Me” Book Tag

The TBR Tag

Hogwarts Tag

Unique Blogger Award #1 & #2

Liebster Award #2 & #3

The “I Messed Up” Book Tag

The Black Cat Blue Sea Award

The “How I Choose My Books” Tag

The “Who I Am” Tag!

Sunshine Blogger Award

The Book Blogger Insider Tag

The Goodreads Book Tag

Soul Ripping Romance Tag

Liebster Award

The Mid-Year Freakout Book Tag

Book Tag: Seven Deadly Sins