The Fearing #1: Fire & Rain — John F.D. Taff

August 3, 2019

The Fearing by John F.D. Taff

TITLE: Fire and Rain (The Fearing, #1)
AUTHOR: John F.D. Taff
GENRE: Horror

In the American high desert, vacationers returning from a road trip are thrust into a heart-stopping flight from death as they try to avoid a cataclysmic end. In rural Missouri, the lives of a group of high school students are destroyed after their small town is devastated and they’re forced to confront the end of everything they’ve ever known.

And on the eastern seaboard, there’s someone else. An enigmatic man who thrives on despair and embraces all fear. A man with his own dark and sinister goals. Someone who wants to ensure humanity goes out with the biggest bang possible.


He was too much of the world, and the world was too much of him.

Holy crap, that was such a fun little ride! This was my first time reading anything by John F.D. Taff, but a lot of my friends have raved about his works to me, so I had high hopes — and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. The first chapter comes in with a bang, and it’s a constant series of twists and turns and suspense from there until the last page.

The story switches perspectives between a few different groups of people, and they’re all so varied and enjoyable that there’s no one set of perspectives I liked less than any of the others (which is rare for me in multi-POV books!). While I thought Adam’s chapters were the most intriguing, the chapters of the group of middle-aged and seniors were the most “true to life”-feeling, and then the teens were just downright fun.

This is the sort of read that you’ll fly right through, which is both a blessing and a curse, because now I’m impatiently awaiting my review copy of book 2 in the series and I need to know what happens next! I definitely will be checking out more of John’s work, but first and foremost, I have to know what other wickedness he’s got up his sleeves for these characters.

Thank you so much to Grey Matter Press for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Well, I go more by what it’s published as than basing it on the character ages and/or content, but also, there are 3 separate groups of people the story follows, and while one group is 3 high schoolers, another group is a guy who seems to be in his 20s or 30s, I think?, and the final group is actually all middle-aged and senior citizens!

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