Tag Time: The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag!

August 26, 2023

It’s time for the firsts of 2023 book tag!

I’m hoping to start making some real headway on the long list of tags I have bookmarked! I grabbed this one from Dini, and it was originally created by Tanya @girlxoxo.

First book read this year:

The United States of Cryptids, which I loved!

First book reviewed:

I don’t know if it’s the first review I wrote in 2023, but the first one I posted on my blog was my review of Mysteries of Thorn Manor!

First book by a debut author:

I had to dig through my spreadsheet and I think it was Tell Me I’m Worthless by Alison Rumfitt (which I hated, sadly).

First book by a new-to-me author:

This was much easier to answer, because it was my first read of the year: The United States of Cryptids!

First book that slayed me:

Episode Thirteen — it’s still one of my favorite books I’ve read all year!

First book that made me wish I could get back the time I spent reading it:

Oof… Something Akin to Revulsion by Judith Sonnet. 🙈 It was awful and the body-shaming it was so bad that I haven’t been tempted to pick up anything else by that author since then.

💖 TAGS 💖

I won’t tag anyone because I’m typing this at 3:45 in the morning and I’m too sleepy 😅 but if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Thank you!! Yup the body shaming one was a bummer but hey, I feel like my average rating this year is going to end up being pretty high so I can’t complain TOO much about the bad eggs! ?

    1. Loved reading your answers! All but Mysteries of Thorn Manor are new to me titles that I’ve never heard of before (not surprising since I’m too weenie for horror). Great post 🙂

    1. Consider Episode Thirteen on another TBR. Anything described as “found footage” horror is an easy add for me.

      Also you are, as always, killing it with the cover game with your books ?

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