The Stuck at Home Book Tag!

May 15, 2020

My amazing friend Ellyn wrote up a new tag recently, and I loved it so much that I had to do it ASAP. ♥ This isn’t the first amazing original tag Ellyn has created, and I hope it isn’t the last, either. If you aren’t already following her, please fix that ASAP because she is truly one of the brightest lights in my life and I adore her. ??

The Stuck at Home Book Tag rules…

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer all the questions down below
  3. Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
  4. Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag

1. what are you currently reading?

I’m writing this about a week before it goes live, so this may change by then, but I have 5 current reads: Seven Deadly Shadows, The Shadow of What Was Lost, Ghost Squad, The Unsuitable, and Red Sister.

2. what’s your favorite “can’t leave the house” activity?

I have a few: reading (duh), spending time with my family, and playing Animal Crossing New Horizons! ACNH has truly been a lifesaver for my mental health and I always spend AT LEAST an hour a day playing, but typically much more than that.

3. a book you’ve been meaning to read for forever:

Oof, I have a LOT I could put here! I’ll go with one I’m actually planning to pick up this month: The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon.


4. an intimidating book on your TBR:

I’m actually going to copy Ellyn’s answer for this one: My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell. We’re buddy reading this one soon, and I’m looking forward to it, but it’s a story that I already know is going to hit close to home, and I’m just hoping it isn’t more painful than it is enjoyable.

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5. top 3 priority books on your TBR:

My “top TBR” list changes frequently (no, really, I have a shelf on Goodreads dedicated to it and I change the books on there constantly!), so I’ll just pick 3 books I think I’ll pick up this week (and will hopefully have read by the time this post goes live):
1. City of Heavenly Fire
2. Take a Hint, Dani Brown
3. Riot Baby

6. recommend a short book:

The Check, Please! graphic novels! I just reread the 1st one and should have read the 2nd one by the time this goes up, and I love this series so much. It’s so soft and cute and gay, which I’ve come to realize is my #1 favorite combination of keywords for books. ♥

7. recommend a long book:

I know 700ish pages isn’t “long” to a lot of people, but considering most of what I read is 500pg or less, I’m going to go with one of my all-time faves: Over and Over Again by Cole McCade. It’s a suuuuper slow burn gay age gap romance involving a stoic, soft demisexual Romani silver fox of a love interest who happens to also be a goat farmer. I’ve read it 3 times and am about to give it another reread since I finally was able to order a paperback from Ripped Bodice, and I really want to tab and highlight the hell out of it. ♥

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8. something you’d love to do while stuck at home:

How about something I am fully capable of doing but haven’t done yet, and really want to? ? Cross-stitch! I ordered an adorable X-Files cross-stitch kit from my friend Cassie’s Etsy shop a little while back and keep swearing I’ll pick it up, but I haven’t done cross-stitch since I was a preteen and I’m high key nervous!

Trust No One DIY Embroidery Kit X-Files Mulder & Scully image 0

(image credit to Cassie!)

9. what do you plan on reading next?

My library ebook hold of From Dead to Worse, book #8 in the Sookie Stackhouse series, just came in about an hour ago, so probably that!


I tag…

Kal | Cassie | Bex | Heather | Kathy | Evelyn | and YOU!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m definitely doing this tag next week. Thanks for sharing! I’m really intrigued by your X-Files cross-stitch!

    1. Thanks for the tag! I also really need to pick up the mime order!


        1. ? How many books even exist that are over 1,000 pages! (…Now I’m googling how many words in The Lord of the Rings [the first book over 1,000 pages that came to my mind] and the average length of a novel lol.)

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