Weekly Check-in: finally getting somewhere again!

May 25, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

I’ve been doing “WWW Wednesday” posts for a while, but posting it on a specific day every week doesn’t always work for me, and I wanted to switch things up a little, so I’m changing these over to a “weekly check-in” where I’ll talk about what I’m reading, what I’ve finished reading lately, a little life update, and maybe some other non-bookish stuff like movies I’ve watched or games I’m playing a lot of! (It also gave me a good excuse to play around with a new graphic art pack I bought!)

life update

It’s been a busy, good week! First, we had an Unexpected Readathon round last weekend, and it was the most successful round of the readathon that I personally have had in a while! Then, Monday was my spouse’s birthday, so we had some fun birthday celebration stuff here at home that kept us going.

On top of all of that, life with the kittens is never boring (especially since, Monday night, we decided to start letting them sleep in bed with us instead of putting them in their playpen at bedtime, which means we’ve had 2 nights in a row of rambunctious kittens waking us up to play lol).

Oh, and the latter half of last week was REALLY hot and sunny here, which meant lots of pool time in the backyard. Needless to say, this past week kind of flew past me. 😂

just finished

I may not have had anything for this section in last week’s update, but I definitely do this week!

  • Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk Anthology // edited by Nico Bell & Sonora Taylor (REVIEW)
    • I didn’t love this as much as I hoped I would, but it was still fun!
  • Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead // Elle Cosimano
    • I loved this so much and I’m SO sad that book 3 is still half a year away 😭 I had a blast buddy reading this with Leslie!
  • An Arrow to the Moon // Emily X.R. Pan (DNF)
    • I’m majorly sad that this was an early DNF after how hyped I was for it, but as many other reviewers have said before me… it’s boring as hell.
  • Ten Count, Vol. 1 // Rihito Takarai (re-read)
    • A re-read before finally reading Volume 2 for one of my monthly TBR jar picks!
  • Ten Count, Vol. 2 // Rihito Takarai
    • I wish I’d loved this as much as Volume 1, but it had some SERIOUS consent issues that need addressing. I honestly wish I hadn’t ordered a copy of Volume 3 before reading this, because I probably wouldn’t be continuing the series if not for that.
  • In Darkness, Delight: Fear the Future // edited by Andrew Lennon & Evans Light
    • I love sci-fi horror and this anthology was an AMAZING collection of examples of some of the best sci-fi horror I’ve read!

Hey, I made a little bit of progress! I mean… I knocked 2 books off of this list, though I did add another one on to the list… Anyways. 👀

and everything else

Other than a lot of reading and family stuff this week, I’ve been playing a lot of Fortnite! The current season ends in a little over a week, and I’ve already finished the battle pass, but now I’m just grinding out levels to try to get the silver Dr. Strange skin style. 😂 (I feel like everyone who doesn’t play/like Fortnite is reading this like, wha?)

There was also a new PowerWash Simulator accessibility update that added a new aim option to fight motion sickness, and since I love the game but it does give me serious motion sickness, I’ve been spending a little time adjusting to the new options to see if it helps! So far, it hasn’t made much of a difference, but I’m crossing my fingers because it sucks to love a game so much but to have to play it in such small doses due to the nausea it gives me. 😬

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!

— destiny ♥

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Is….is that a power washing GAME?

      Also life with kittens is the best. You get fuzzy cuddles, adorable playtime….annnnnd needle claws in your feet LOL

    1. Rambunctious kittens sounds like a lot of fun. 🙂

      Ooh Dana Mele. I liked her People Like Us. Finlay Donovan looks fun too…

      1. They’re a trip! 😀

        Summer’s Edge has been VERY good so far, and I’m excited to finish it! I haven’t read anything else from this author, but I’d definitely be open to it. Finlay Donovan was a blast! 🙂

    1. Aww I’m sorry to hear An Arrow to the Moon was a DNF for you! Thats one I’m looking forward to reading but good to know if I’m not feeling it early on, its better to just DNF it…

    1. Yay for our buddy reads!! Def. will have to do it for the next Finlay too! I still have no idea how you juggle so many books, so impressive!! I hope you have a lovely week! <3

      1. Yes, we absolutely should! 😀 Awww, thank you lol – I’m honestly just in a constant state of overwhelmed and mad at myself, though. ? LOL! I’m joking… a little… I hope your week is going beautifully, friend!

        1. haha, we all read differently and that’s amazing!! I hope you are having a lovely weekend!! <3

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