Weekly Check-in: nothing but 4- and 5-star reads!

June 22, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

It’s been another good week! This week has flown past and it’s a little surreal, because my son’s 6th birthday is today and his birthdays always throw me for a little loop. He seems to have a different obsession every birthday, so each birthday has a different “theme” of presents and decorations, and it’s Spiderman this year. 😄 He’s been obsessed with Spidey for several months now (I’m actually typing this on Tuesday night, so technically his birthday is tomorrow, and he got an early present of the PS4 Miles Morales game – he’s playing it right now and he’s loving it!), so we got him lots of Spidey-themed gifts and I’m excited to see him freak out lol.

Also, my parents (who live next door to us) adopted a dog! They adopted a Great Dane mix puppy named Falkor, so we’ve been having lots of puppy play time the past couple of days!

A mostly black Great Dane mix puppy walking on a grassy lawn.

just finished

I think this was my third or fourth good reading week in a row and I’m a little shook. 😅 I keep hoping it doesn’t end but I’ve been in the mood to read EVERY DAY lately and it’s been amazing! I loved everything I read this week, too – they were all 4 and 5 star reads!

“Only” 7 current reads right now – not too bad! I set aside Queen of Teeth because, while I love Hailey’s writing, it just wasn’t clicking with me and I’m hopeful I’ll connect better with it next time I try picking it up. I’m pretty sure I’ll finish a couple of these this week, and I hope I’m right because I also plan on starting at least one more ARC this week, maybe two!

and everything else

It’s just been a reading week! No gaming, no movies, no TV, nothing really to report here. 😂 But I am craving some horror film re-watches, so maybe I’ll have a lengthier update next week!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!

— destiny ♥

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Falkor is soooo cute!!! That’s great you get to have lots of puppy play time, how fun! And Happy Birthday to your son! I hope he enjoys all his Spidey gifts!!

    1. What a gorgeous puppy !! Aww- time sure goes fast, happy birthday to your baby xx
      Oh what a good week for reading, happy to hear you enjoyed the clown hunt!

      Have a good week

    1. Awww new puppies are the best! Falkor is adorable? And happy birthday to your son! 6 was one of my favorite years when my kids were young.

      1. Thank you! ♥ I’m always a little sad to see another birthday pass because the times goes so quickly, but at the same time, 5 has been my favorite age so far and I have a feeling 6 will be even more fun. ? His personality is just so big and it gets bigger every day!

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