Weekly Check-in: trying to appease the slump gods with quick reads

November 25, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

To everyone who celebrated a holiday this week, I hope you had a wonderful week!

This week has been busy because holidays = overtime opportunities with my job, so I worked as much overtime as possible. Between that and fighting a reading slump that was affecting my mental health, it’s mentally been a bit of a tough week, but we did put our Christmas tree up a couple of days ago, and that always lifts my spirits! It’s something about all the pretty, colorful lights. 🥰 Plus, I have an unexpected day off from work today, which is always nice.

I’m excited about today and the coming week! We splurged on a PS5 as an early family Christmas gift and that’s scheduled to arrive, plus we have a day trip planned as a surprise for Isaac next week that we’ve been keeping a secret for months! Just wish us luck because this will be the longest car ride any of us have gone on since 2019 and I’m hoping the kiddo doesn’t get too bored. 😂 “Are we there yet?”, etc.

just finished The reading slump from last week is only now starting to slowly dissipate, so I’ve just been picking up really quick reads that I can power through in one sitting. It’s been helping a lot, thankfully! Dead Inside was awful, but Gobbler and Phantom Pain were both disgusting, awesome horror novellas that I had a lot of fun with!

For now, this section every week will be dedicated to the 3 books that I have the least pages remaining in!

📚 priority reads 📚

📚 total current reads: 16 📚

and everything else We did end up watching Smile last weekend, and I loved it! We also started watching Cabinet of Curiosities, but we’re only a couple of episodes into it. I really love it so far. I love anthology horror shows (Fear Itself was my jam), and I’m excited to watch more!

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’ve turned Thanksgiving into an annual trip to visit my brother in Canada, so that’s where I am for the weekend! It’s so nice be around family, and to have a chance to catch up, and read, and just travel a bit! I hope next week is a lot less draining on your mental health, and I can’t wait to hear about your trip!

Say hello! ♥

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