1,000 Follower Giveaway Time!

September 30, 2018


The winner is… JAYDE! Congratulations on your prize, Jayde! Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

Yep, you read that right… I hit 1,000 FOLLOWERS here at Howling Libraries!

I hit 1k a little earlier this month, and I’m still in shock. When I started this blog a year and a half ago, I never dreamed that I would make it this far! I am so happy to have each and every one of you in my bookish life. ♥

To celebrate this milestone, I decided to host a giveaway! And the timing just happened to be perfect, because my sweet friend Kelly just hit 1k on her blog, too—go congratulate her while you’re at it, and enter her giveaway, too! 😀

We decided we would each host giveaways on our blogs, so you can enter TWO awesome giveaways today! For mine, one winner will be able to choose one (1) book from BookDepository, up to a $20 USD value! (Open internationally, as long as BookDepository ships to you!)

You can choose a book that has already been released, or I can pre-order an upcoming release for you (like that fancy new Six of Crows collector’s edition…)!

Without dragging this post on any further, I’ll drop the Rafflecopter below, where you can enter the giveaway!

This giveaway will run until 11:59 PM EST on October 7th, 2018.




More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Congratulations on your blogging accomplishment! 1K is an exciting milestone. Cheers to you for much more success!

      1. Thank you so much! Oh my gosh, I don’t know if you meant it this way, but that was such a huge compliment. ♥♥ One of my biggest goals as a blogger is to come across like I have even the most remote idea of what I’m doing here, so you just made me feel all warm and fuzzy ??

        1. That was definitely how I meant it! When I first found your blog I could’ve sworn it was years old and that you were “famous” (or as famous as a blogger can get ?) because I saw you all over the place! ?

    1. Congrats on 1k followers, love! I’m so happy we have both achieved this lovely milestone, and I am so grateful that we met each other through blogging! <3

    1. Congratulations, this is so great and well – deserved! Here’s to many more followers and years of blogging 😀

    1. you’re amaaazing!! congratulations! you of course deserve each and every one and also infinity more

    1. AHHH DESTINY CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! If anyone deserves such high numbers it’s you!

    1. Omg, congrats on your 1k!!!! You’re so sweet to do this giveaway. Also, I don’t know HOW I wasn’t following you on ig but I’m going to blame it on my lack of activity there.

Say hello! ♥

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