DISCUSSION: 2018’s Most Anticipated Releases

December 23, 2017

Today, I wanted to share with you guys a few of my most anticipated 2018 releases! Actually, since it’s 2018, I thought I’d do… 18 of them! ? All of these will be ones I haven’t read yet, but I am going to add an “honorable mentions” section at the bottom for 2018 ARCs I’ve already had the chance to read and enjoyed!

I couldn’t bring myself to sort these by most wanted to least wanted, so I decided to be lazy and just sort them by release date!






  • Obsidio by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman (03.13.18)




  • City of Bastards by Andrew Shvarts (06.05.18) **yes, I know this one is out of order…oops**










Are any of my most anticipated releases on your TBR? Do you have any anticipated releases I missed? Let me know in a comment!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I’m SO excited for Ace of Shades!! ARCs have already started popping up on bookstagram, my soul actually hurts I need it so badly. I’m also super excited for Heart of Iron! I have an ARC of Reign of the Fallen, I’m hoping to read it soon <3

      1. Ughhh, I knoooow! I got turned down for an eARC request on Edelweiss and my Netgalley request is still pending, plus I’ve sent, like, three print ARC requests. I’m shameless. I want it SO BADLY lmao. I hope we both love all of them!

        1. My request on Netgalley is still pending too!! That makes me feel so much better that I’m not the only person stuck in the void lol. I haven’t sent a print ARC request yet, but I’m planning to. Fingers crossed for both of us!

    1. I love how you separated the releases by month. I sadly don’t know much about most of the books you mentioned here but hey that’s more of a reason for me to look into them and get excited!

    1. I’m looking forward to the new books by Angie Thomas and Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera! Great list! 🙂

      1. I really have been wanting to check out RA Salvatore’s writing lately! What would you recommend as a first book of Salvatore’s? I haven’t read anything by Laurie R King or Pierce Brown, either, to my knowledge.

    1. Oh I’m so excited for so many of these too!! SO excited for The Cruel Prince because I’ve loved Holly Black’s books forever and been hoping she’d write something new. ? I also loved Reign of the Fallen so I hope you like it! AND THE BELLES YES. That cover is stunning. And afjdskald What If It’s Us. I nearly fell off my chair when that was announced.?

      1. I have been the WORST EVER at replying to comments and this is totally the latest response ever, but yes to all of this! I just finished The Cruel Prince (ahhhh-mazing), and now I’m working on Reign of the Fallen, which I am LOVING so far. It doesn’t hurt that Sarah is such a precious sweetie on twitter. <3

    1. I am not even going to check how many I just added to my TBR – although I do think I kind of skipped all the scifi but that’s.. me.. Haha!
      [I can NOT say no to more of Angie Thomas; and What If It’s Us? YES PLEASE.]

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