2018 New Years Resolution Book Tag

January 24, 2018

I know we’re technically a few weeks into the new year, but I really liked this tag when I saw it over at Books in Her Eyes, so I decided to fill it out, too! Original tag credit goes to Melissa’s Book World. Happy new year, my lovelies!

elisean author you’d like to read (that you’ve never read before):

There are a few I could use for this one, but one of the ones I’m most excited about is Elise Kova! I have The Alchemists of Loom on my “must read” list for 2018, though I’m actually hoping to read the entire Loom Saga series, and maybe some of her other work, too!

289870a classic you’d like to read:

I know I’ve mentioned this before on my blog, but I really just do not enjoy most classics, but I do have The Hobbit on my “must read” list, and I’d like to also start on the Lord of the Rings trilogy before the year is out!


23395680a book you’d like to reread:

I actually have quite a few rereads on my TBR right now! Just to name a few, I want to reread at least the first few Harry Potter books, The Hunger Games (the whole trilogy), Eragon, the Twilight series with Julie (STOP JUDGING US)… but the first reread on my list will be in February, and that’s Illuminae! I’m planning to reread both it and Gemina in the few weeks before Obsidio releases!

10626594a book you’ve had for ages and want to read:

This one’s gotta be The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I’m pretty sure I’ve told the story before of how, years ago (like, right after it released), the library accidentally marked it as “returned” when I still had it, and by the time we all recognized the slip-up, they told me I could keep it? Yeah, well, you’d think I would have taken that as some sign of divine intervention all those years ago, and then I could have spent the last several years enjoying Maggie’s writing, but nope, I didn’t check her books out until 2017. *shame, shame* So, I’m definitely planning on finally reading this one in 2018!

7235533a big book you’d like to read:

While it isn’t the biggest TBR book I own, the biggest book on my 2018 TBR currently is The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, which is the first book in his latest series, The Stormlight Archive, and is 1,007 pages in the hardback edition I have. I’m honestly a little bit nervous about the size of it, and it being my first Sanderson book, but I do have a close friend who’s dying to buddy read it together, so that should help me keep my motivation up!

an author you’ve previously read and want to read more of:

Oh, that list is a mile long… Let’s see here:

• Jay Kristoff – I read the first two books in The Illuminae Files last year, plus got to know a bit about him through social media and interviews, and the man is hilarious, plus I love how unique his style is. Nevernight is on my “must read” list for 2018 (and Godsgrave is unofficially on that list, too), plus I just pre-ordered LIFEL1K3!

• Holly Black – Until reading The Cruel Prince earlier this month, I hadn’t read anything by her in years, but I loved TCP so much that it just reaffirmed my thinking that I seriously need to check out some more of the books of hers that I’ve missed over the years, like The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and The Darkest Part of the Forest.

• Sarah J. Maas – As we all know, I’m trash for the ACOTAR series, but I also read The Assassin’s Blade recently and loved it, too, so I’m looking forward to hopefully binge reading the entire TOG series this year!

29748925a book you got for christmas and would like to read:

This one’s easy: Strange the Dreamer. I’ve been dying to read it since it released last year, and my parents got me the gorgeous UK hardback edition of it for Christmas. I can’t wait to dive into it. <3 I just have the strongest feeling that I’m going to adore it and immediately want more.

a series you want to read (start and finish) & a series you want to finish (that you’ve already started):

Oh shit, where do I start? I’m so bad about finishing series. I really am. Okay, here are a few I’d like to start and finish:

• Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
• The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
• Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan
• The Nevernight Chronicles by Jay Kristoff

And here are a few that I’ve started, but would like to finish:

• Shades of Magic by V. E. Schwab
• The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
• The Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff/Amie Kaufman (hurry up, March!)
• The Conqueror’s Saga by Kiersten White (come on, July!)

do you set reading goals? if so, how many books do you want to read in 2018?


any other reading goals?

Yup! I’ve written a few of them here, plus a more comprehensive post here, if you’d like to read them! In a nutshell, though:

  1. finish my “must reads” list
  2. finish more series
  3. request less ARCs
  4. buy less books
  5. less strict TBR planning
  6. DNF more books
  7. write reviews faster
  8. read pre-orders ASAP

Aaaand that’s it! I’m not going to tag anyone since it’s a little past the new years resolution posting time, but if anyone wants to use this tag, have at it! <3 Just ping back to me or comment below so I can read your answers!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I wished I liked the Hobbit, but I just didn’t. It was so slow and wordy. It’s been a while, though, so maybe I should reread it sometime.

    1. I should remember this tag for next year. 🙂 The Way of Kings is on my tbr for this year too. I recently got the second one and the novella so I am all ready. I think.

    1. You have some amazing books on here. The Scorpio Races is definitely one of my favourite books though!

    1. wowwww i also want to start and finish Daughter of Smoke & Bone and Nevernight and finish The Raven Cycle and Illuminae! also same reading challenge goal?? so in sync. this is a v fun post!!!

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