2023 Reading Goals: 1st Quarter Check-in!

April 19, 2023

One quarter down, three to go: how is my progress on my 2023 goals?

Tammy over at Books, Bones & Buffy posted a 1st quarter check-in on her 2023 reading challenges, and I thought it was such a fun idea that I had to borrow it! If you’re not following Tammy and you’re a lover of SFF and/or horror, you’ve gotta fix that, because she’s awesome. ♥

1. Goodreads challenge

I set my goal lower this year than I have in the past few years because I wanted to give myself more room for bigger books, and I’m doing great on this goal so far: 45 out of 120 (10 books ahead) at the time I’m writing this post!

2. 2023 TBR

I picked 12 books for my 2023 TBR, with the goal of reading 1 per month. We’re in April and I’ve only read 2 from the list (Finlay and The Dismembered), so I’m a little bit behind here!

3. Seasonal TBRs

I started limiting my seasonal TBRs to 6 titles instead of 10 this year, but I still didn’t accomplish all of my Winter TBR and haven’t even started on my Spring TBR! 😅

4. 2023 series goals

I picked 10 series I wanted to finish in 2023, but I’m not sure how to map out my progress because I’m actually re-reading some of the books in a few of these series, such as the TOG series, which I’ve been re-reading with Misty. I haven’t finished ANY of the series in my list yet, so I really need to get to work on some of these!

5. Make smaller TBRs

I’ve actually stuck to this goal VERY well! Each monthly TBR has only been 4-5 books and my seasonal TBRs have been smaller, plus I’ve been signing up for fewer readathons and challenges.

6. Read 4+ TBR jar picks per month

I succeeded in January, read 2 in February, and read 0 in March. 😅 Buuut I’ve already read 2 for April, so hopefully I’ll read 2 more over the next couple of weeks!

7. Fewer current reads at one time

Okay, I have totally and completely FAILED at this goal. 🤣 My goal was to get down to 6 current reads or less and keep it that way, but I’ve been at 12+ since the year started and am currently at 13. I’m aiming hard to get down to 8 by the end of April, or at least less than 10!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Thanks for the shout out, Destiny❤️ Wow, 45 books seems really good to me. And hey, it’s only the first quarter so now you have the rest of the year to work on your goals?

    1. You’re doing great Destiny!! I behind on a couple of my challenges and goals as we’ll but we still have plenty of time to catch up. We are so close to finishing the Throne of Glass series so you will soon be marking off one series!!

    1. Legends & Lattes is really a delightful book. It’s a real palate cleanser and just all around wonderful. Make time for it if you can.

      Kaiju is very very John Scalzi. So if you like Scalzi, you’ll like the book- it’s madcap slapstick sci-fi, and I’m 100% on board. I’m a huge Scalzi fan and loved it.

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