2023 Goals: series I’d like to finish and a glance at my series-in-progress!

December 6, 2022

It’s time for the first of my “2023 goals” posts: series!

One of my favorite things about the end of the year is setting my goals for the coming year, so I have a few “2023 goals” posts planned out. For this first post, I want to talk about something I neglect far too often: completing book series!

As many of you know, I am the Actual Worst™️ at completing series for a few reasons:

  1. I’m terrified of disappointing endings (I blame Veronica Roth forever for this)
  2. I’m not ready to say goodbye
  3. I worry that I’ll be emotionally traumatized by the death of a beloved character

That said, I’m determined to make 2023 the year I start finishing series again! I made a new series tracker and have decided to pick 10 ongoing series that I want to finish in 2023. We’ll go over those really quickly, and then I decided to add in a simple list of the other series I have in progress that are a bit lower-priority to finish. For this goal, I’m only focusing on completed series.

throne of glass

I still need to read…
– Kingdom of Ash

Misty and my spouse and I are planning on buddy reading the entire series starting in January! It’s been too long since I read the other books in the series, so I’ve decided to re-read them all before finally picking up the finale.

small spaces

I still need to read…
– Dead Voices
– Dark Waters
– Empty Smiles

As you can see, I’ve only just started this series, but I had so much fun with the first book that I’d love to complete the series very soon.

the folk of the air

I still need to read…
– The Queen of Nothing
– How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

I have NO IDEA how I didn’t pick up QoN as soon as it came out, given how much I loved The Wicked King, but here we are.

fallen empire

I still need to read…
– Dragon Unleashed
– Raven Unveiled

Me: pre-orders every book in this series, thinks about the first book constantly, never continues the series because I worry the other books might not live up to how much I loved Phoenix Unbound.

the aurora cycle

I still need to read…
– Aurora Burning
– Aurora’s End

I read the first book as an ARC and I’m REALLY bad at continuing a series if I read the first book pre-release. It’s like a curse that I intend to break. 😂

nevernight chronicle

I still need to read…
– Darkdawn

No, I’m still not ready. But I will be… I hope.

stalking jack the ripper

I still need to read…
– Becoming the Dark Prince
– Capturing the Devil

I actually started the last book when it came out, but I remember that I kept seeing tons of negative reviews for it right after it released and I guess it burst my bubble a little bit?

kingdom of the wicked

I still need to read…
– Kingdom of the Cursed
– Kingdom of the Feared

I’m technically reading KotC right now and hopefully will finish it before 2023, but I don’t think I’ll get to KotF by the end of the month so I decided to include it!

the lunar chronicles

I still need to read…
– Stars Above

I think Misty and I have been talking about buddy reading Winter at some point, and I want to read the short stories afterwards, too. I originally planned on doing a series re-read before moving on to the last book because it’s been SO long, but I’m not sure I really want to do that anymore, so I may just look up a super spoiler-y recap of the first few books.

cassidy blake

I still need to read…
– Tunnel of Bones
– Bridge of Souls

I can’t wait to continue this series, and I think it’s completed now, so there’s no reason not to!

other series in progress

I have quite a few other series in progress, and I’m honestly pretty sure I’m missing some from my tracker, so this might not even be the full list! 😅 Some of these are incomplete series I’m just waiting on the next installment for, while others just aren’t as high-priority to finish in 2023 (or are very long series).

Bromance Book Club | Modern Faerie Tales | Bright Falls | The Dark Triad | Mercyverse (Mercy Thompson + Alpha & Omega) | The Gilded Wolves | The Mortal Instruments | Reluctant Royals

Finlay Donovan | There’s Something About Marysburg | The Shameless Series | Mirage | Something Dark and Holy | Shifter Escapes | Spy x Family | Caraval

Rolling in the Deep | InvestiGators | Sookie Stackhouse | Just for Him | Texting | The Collector | The Sorrows | The Lake Witch Trilogy

You | Persons Non Grata | Lifelife | Souls Trilogy | Union of the Rakes | Monstress | Criminal Intentions | Wayward Children

Ghost Roads | Bloody Mary | The Old Kingdom | The Way of the Househusband | Fence | Forbidden Hearts | Modern Love | Monsterstreet

The Oddmire | Wicked Villains | The Thalanian Dynasty | Hoops | Villains | Seducing the Sedgwicks | The Bone Season | The Singh Family

Lore Olympus | The Fearing | The Greenhollow Duology | The Murderbot Diaries | VRC: Vampire Related Crimes | Dollar | Sky and Sea | Girls with Sharp Sticks


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Omg so many series to finish! I really liked Throne of Glass’s ending, but I had a few nitpicky things I didn’t like. Overall, it was a good finish to a great series. I wasn’t a fan of The Folk of the Air series, and I hated how it ended, so take that with a grain of salt. And you KNOW how I feel about The Old Kingdom series, so I won’t even say anything about that one. I really hope you like all of these final books, and that you enjoy the time spent reading them!!!

    1. IDK if my previous comment went through or not. SO TO SUM UP: I loved how Throne of Glass ended, but I had a few nitpicky things I didn’t like. Nothing big. I hated the Folk of the Air series as a whole, and I really hated how it ended, but I really hope you enjoy it.

    1. omg so many series! i can relate? i truly hope you enjoy all of these! you might enjoy capturing the devil if you like kerri maniscalco’s writing, i’ve come to realize that it’s just not for me. can’t wait to read your thoughts on queen of nothing though!

      1. Haha sooo many! ? I’m drowning in my series TBR, lmao! I do like Kerri’s writing for the most part, though sadly I don’t think I love it as much as I used to, if Kingdom of the Wicked is any indicator. ? But it’ll be good to finally finish off the SJTR series!

    1. Well, all I can say is we have quite a few ongoing series in common. I’m up for the buddy read of Winter. I actually have the same two books left to read in that series.

        1. I am totally down for buddy reading all of the books!! ? I love buddy reading and apparently it’s the only way I will read the books that have been on my TBR for a while.

        1. Oh girl I will not judge. You’re doing way better than me. I don’t even know how to create anything on notion. I literally just signed up to it for a challenge I’m participating in next year and I had to watch the hosts video on how to use it.

    1. You remind me that I still need to read King of Elfhame! I need to finish Queen of Air and Darkness, that book is HUGE but once I finish it I can finally move on to the other shadowhunter series :’)

    1. So many wonderful titles on this list! I think I need to borrow some of this energy to get myself through my own unfinished series.

      Are you planning to read the companion novels with Fence? I really recommend them, they’re so funny and just a nice light, easy read. I have a few books from Throne of Glass but with the size of that series I’ve been scared to start it ?

      1. Good luck with your series goals as well! ? And yes, I do want to read the companion novels! I have heard almost nothing about them, though, so I’m really excited to hear you recommend them! 😀

    1. I’m so far behind on Small Spaces I didn’t even realize there was a book 4 already haha.
      Good luck with your goal. I know how hard it is to do 😉

    1. Oh I love how you did this with the greyscale covers! I think I should create a series tracker on google docs for next year lol. Or I find a Notion template of another reader because I have no idea how to use Notion for myself lol. I need to reread the first two Kingdom of the Wicked books before I read the third one. I barely remember what happened in them lol

      1. Thank you so much! I made a super simple series tracker on Notion that’s essentially just a bunch of bullet lists. ? I would love to make a pretty series tracker but I have SO many in progress that I got a bit overwhelmed by the idea – maybe at the start of the year I’ll attempt it!

    1. I’ve been looking through my series recently as well! I think I’ve officially DNFed the Throne of Glass series for now, RIP. I just don’t feel motivated to continue. I hope your reread is great! ❤

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