My 24 in ’24 TBR (12 upcoming releases + 12 friends’ selections!)

December 11, 2023

It’s time for my 2024 TBR!

I usually like waiting until closer to the end of December to post this, but I’m too excited to wait! I’ve finalized my 2024 TBR and I’m really excited about it. 🥰 I went for “24 for ’24”, but changed it up a little: half the list is 2024 releases I’m anticipating, and the other half came from letting friends choose books from my “top TBR” bookshelves!



Have you decided on your 2024 TBR yet?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. This looks like such a good list! I’m currently reading Empire of the Vampire because I also really wanted to finish it before the sequel comes out. It’s been sitting on my shelf for 2 years now so I decided I really have to get through it before the end of this year.

      I’m also planning to make a 24 in 2024 TBR but I haven’t got a clue what I’ll be putting on the list yet ?

    1. That’s an impressive list! I can’t wait for the third Crescent City book to come out and would love to read Iron Flame early next year. Otherwise, we’ll see what I’m in the mood for ?

    1. Loved seeing your 24 in 24 TBR! ❤️ I’m very hyped for Ghost Station, as I loved Dead Silence and want to read more Sci-Fi Horror ? I’m also VERY excited to see you reading Truthwitch!! I love the series with all my heart and hope that you enjoy it too ?

    1. Adding It’s Only a Game to my ever-growing TBR!!! ??✨️ Sounds fantastic.
      I hope you get to read all those awesome recommendations, I think every single one of them is on my tbr and would love to know what you think!!!. As always amazing post, love ❤️

    1. Oooh some good ones here! I really want to read Ghost Station too!

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