24 Books On My 2019 TBR [#Project14Lists no. 9]

December 26, 2018

(image credit goes to Shealea!)

This is my NINTH post in the #Project14Lists series, hosted by Shealea at That Bookshelf Bitch! You can find more information here, as well as a thread of my posts for the event here.

Previous #Project14Lists Posts:
1. Winter TBR
2. #Short-a-Thon: Graphic Novel/Manga Goals
3. 2019’s General “Life” Resolutions & Goals
4. 2019’s Reading Resolutions & Goals
5. 10 TV Shows I Want to Watch in 2019
6. Random Bookish Facts About Me!
7. 10 Movies I Want to Finally See in 2019
8. 2019 Releases I WISH I Could Find Under My Christmas Tree

Today’s #Project14Lists post is…

24 Books On My 2019 TBR

I made a list of 24 “must read” titles in 2018, too, but didn’t stick to that list very well! Because of that, I wanted to try again, but with one big difference: in 2018, I mostly chose books I felt I “should” read; in 2019, I’m choosing books I’m very excited to read!

I’ll have a little more information about my 2019 TBR and challenges coming soon, as well as a BINGO BOARD I made for my goals(!) that I can’t wait to show you all! But, for the sake of #Project14Lists, today’s post is just the list of 24 specific titles going on it.


  • Strange the Dreamer — Laini Taylor
  • Name of the Wind — Patrick Rothfuss
  • Godsgrave — Jay Kristoff
  • Shutter — Courtney Alameda
  • Horrorstor — Grady Hendrix
  • The Shadow of What Was Lost — James Islington


  • City of Heavenly Fire — Cassandra Clare
  • Lady Midnight — Cassandra Clare
  • This Savage Song — Victoria Schwab
  • Scythe — Neal Shusterman
  • Stormdancer — Jay Kristoff
  • Winter — Marissa Meyer


  • Kingdom of Ash — Sarah J. Maas
  • Rolling in the Deep — Mira Grant
  • Sorcery of Thorns — Margaret Rogerson
  • A Curse So Dark and Lonely — Brigid Kemmerer
  • Wicked Saints — Emily A. Duncan
  • The Dark Game — Jonathan Janz


  • The Serpent King — Jeff Zentner
  • The Black Farm — Elias Witherow
  • Second Chance Summer — Morgan Matson
  • Shiver — Maggie Stiefvater
  • Alice — Christina Henry
  • It Ends With Us — Colleen Hoover

Which of these do you think I should read first?
Are any of them on your 2019 TBR?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ooh I’ve read a bunch of these. I absolutley loved Alice, Rolling in the Deep, Stormdancer, Strange the Dreamer, Godsgrave and Horrorstor. Enjoy!

    1. ooh what an exciting tbr!! Winter and The Serpent King and Second Chance Summer <3 also i read Shiver forever ago and have been debating rereading it in 2019!! hope all these books are excellent and your 2019 is too 🙂

    1. Horrorstor sounds so good! It’s been on my TBR for years now, so maybe 2019 should be the year I get to read it. I also started Second Chance Summer a few years ago but gave up because the writing wasn’t for me. I hope you get to it and love it! I’d love to read a review and maybe give it another shot ?

      1. Oh no, sorry you didn’t enjoy what you read of Second Chance Summer! I’ll definitely post a review when I read it, fingers crossed I’ll like it because it’s one of the books that’s been on my Goodreads TBR shelf the longest!

    1. This Savage Song! Second Chance Summer! The Serpent King! (cried SO hard while reading these last two). I can’t wait for you to read these books, I hope you’ll love them 😀

    1. I really want to read Horrorstor, This Savage Song, Alice, and Strange the Dreamer as well (I actually own Strange the Dreamer so hopefully I can get that started soon). I’ve read – and really loved – Scythe and Winter. I read Shiver years ago too and thought it was really good, though I only read the first two.

    1. Some of these are on my TBR! I really want to eventually read This Savage Song, A Curse So Dark And Deadly and Wicked Saints.

    1. I love Horrorstor and Second Chance Summer! Horrorstor is an unexpectedly creepy read, it started out pretty harmless but it escalated quickly. Meanwhile, Second Chance Summer is a waterwork for me :’)

      1. AWESOME, I love hearing that about Horrorstor! I love books that start off quiet and build up the fear factor. 🙂 Haha aww, I have heard Second Chance Summer is pretty crushing – is it weird to say I’m looking forward to it, even though I’m planning on saving it for some time when I need a good cry? Lol!

    1. Ahh your tbr looks like so much fun! I’ve only read Scythe, Winter & Alice but I really enjoyed all of them! Alice is A LOT so definitely check out the triggers first because it’s pretty intense. That being said, it’s also a fantastic and very different take on Wonderland and I’ve appreciated the take more and more since I read it earlier this year.

      1. Yaaaay, I’m looking forward to all of them! and thank you for the heads up on Alice! I read the first few chapters of it back in 2017 and was LOVING it but wasn’t quite in the right head space so I will 100% be saving that one for a day when I’m ready to dive into something really twisted haha!

    1. I’m hoping to read this savage song, a curse so dark and lovely, shiver, and second chance summer as well this upcoming year! I love Schwab, Matson, and Stiefvater so IM SURE I’ll adore those books. If I don’t, I’ll quietly sob. ?

    1. Scythe and Godsgrave and A Curse So Dark and Lonely. Name of the Wind is a MAYBE since people are still waiting for the third book, if I remember correctly? And I just cannot be arsed to read it and then get frustrated with all those other people, haha.
      I’ll hopefully get to Lady Midnight as well, eventually. If all goes right with my Shadowhunter-rereading plans that is..

      1. Yup, still waiting on book 3! The author supposedly said recently that the political climate here has him too depressed to do anything creative. Guess I can’t blame him, really… :/ But it does suck for the fans who have been waiting for so many years!

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