AUGUST TBR: my first monthly TBR in almost a year? Who is she???

July 29, 2021

Yep, you read that right: this is my first monthly TBR post in almost a year! My last one was for my birthday month last October. I gave up on TBRs for a while because I knew there was no way I could stick to them, but I’ve been getting back into such a reading mood lately and it’s given me the courage I need to get back into it!

I don’t have a special theme~ for this TBR or anything, it’s just a list of upcoming or recently released review copies that I’m hella excited to get to (mostly spooky stuff, because I am biiiig time back on my Spooky Bullshit™ lately).

In hindsight, going with a 9-book TBR for my first monthly TBR in this long was probably biting off more than I could or should chew, but it’s too late to stop this train now, bay-bee~

  • The Strange Thing We Have Become and Other Dark Tales by Eric LaRocca — I have loved Eric’s work so far and definitely did a little dance at my desk when he sent over an e-ARC of his upcoming collection of horror shorts!
  • The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix — I love everything I’ve read by Grady so far, and I doubt this will be an exception (plus, I’m such a sucker for stories that follow final girls after their horror moments).
  • Children of Demeter by E.V. Knight — I’m a big sucker for cult stories, especially ones in 70s settings like this!
  • Sensor by Junji Ito — Junji Ito’s work is a little hit-and-miss for me (probably 70% hit, 30% miss), but I never stop getting excited when I see a new release from this author.
  • Hide and Don’t Seek by Anica Mrose Rissi — I truly hope I never outgrow middle grade horror short stories. 🥺 I’m writing this post on the 28th, and considering actually picking this collection up tonight, so I might have finished it by the time August rolls around! UPDATE: I did, in fact, read this entire collection immediately after drafting this post, but I’m proud so I refuse to remove it from the list. 😂

  • Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko — Again, give me all the spooky MG vibes this month, please. This one’s a ghost story that I keep seeing comped to Small Spaces!
  • Only if You Dare: 13 Stories of Darkness and Doom by Josh Allen — Like I said… MG horror short story collections. ♥
  • The Icepick Surgeon by Sam Kean — A nonfiction collection of tales throughout history in which science has gone horribly wrong. I technically already started this one, and it’s pretty juicy so far.
  • Fresh by Margot Wood — And finally, our only non-spooky addition to the list is this new adult queer romance that sounds hella cute.

What’s on your August TBR? Let me know in the comments (or drop a link!) ♥



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. All of these look so interesting! I’ll definitely have to take a look at a few and add them to my TBR.

    1. I hope you have a great reading month!
      I really need to pick up something by Grady Hendrix!

    1. Did I just…. open up a bunch of new Goodreads tabs so I can add most of these on to my “want to read”? Yes, yes I did. So glad to see you’re back, bb!!

    1. Goodluck with thoses books !! xx

      I also has been wanting to read Final girl support group, I also hyped it up to one of my friend while we were waching Fear Street 1994 ? Added the icepick surgeon onto my TBR too!

        1. It was okay.! Though not the best situation.. we had watched the first 40mins of it with my friend before I needed to go home, and then we could only watch the remaining 40mins of the movie like 2weeks after as we couldnt meet up before that ? so yeah.. ahah

    1. I have had Fresh by Margot Wood on my list for MONTHS, I am so glad it is finally published. Your TBR looks wonderful. Also, good on you for finishing Hide and Don’t Seek!

        1. I have not read it yet, but I am really excited. I am planning on heading to the bookstore on Tuesday to pick it up.

    1. I’ve been seeing Ghost Girl being compared to Small Spaces too so I added it to my TBR haha! I recently finished reading Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh, which is less scarier than Small Spaces but still a great MG horror if you’re looking for one! 😀

    1. I’m really looking forward to your thoughts on The Final Girl Support Group! I haven’t read anything by the author, but I’ve heard great things. I’m excited for this book in particular – and have actually already bought it – now I just need a bit of a push to actually get to it. ? The Icepick Surgeon sounds really good, I need to check it out on goodreads.

      1. I’m sad I didn’t get to The Final Girl Support Group in August like I meant to, buuuut it perfectly fits a prompt for the PopCulture Readathon at the end of this month, so I think I’m going to pick it up then! 😀 I’ve really loved Grady’s work in the past. I hope you’ll enjoy it when you get to it!

    1. Good luck with your August TBR! 🙂 Now you really have me wanting to read some spooky books! I cannot wait for Fall and Halloween to come ? Ghost Girl seems like an interesting book, I love spooky MG and Small Spaces is such a fantastic book – I have been searching for similar books ❤

      1. Thank you! Oh my gosh, I’m so late to this – I literally forgot comments were a thing and apparently had my notifications for them turned off on accident until today. ? RIP… How did you like Fresh?

        1. LOL!!!! It’s ok IT HAPPENS! I actually haven’t finished Fresh yet ? I started it but then put it down bc OTHER BOOKS but what I did read of it so far I’m lovingggggg it!!! ?

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