ANNOUNCEMENT: Short-a-thon, ROUND 2!

November 22, 2019

It’s time for another round of our favorite “boost those Goodreads challenge numbers” end-of-year readathon… SHORT-A-THON 2019!

Last year, Kathy and I co-hosted an end-of-year readathon called Short-a-thon, where participants all read the shortest books on our TBRs for the last several days of December! Not only is it super helpful for a last-minute boost to your Goodreads challenge numbers, but it’s also just fun, and definitely a lot easier to manage (IMO) than normal reading schedules if you’re in the middle of a bunch of holiday busy-ness.

If you want more information, you can check out Kathy’s post over at Books and Munches, too!

This year’s readathon, like last year’s, will take place from December 21st through December 31st — starting at 12:00AM (in your time zone) and ending at 11:59PM (again, your time zone!).

How to join:

If you’re interested in joining us, you can either create your own TBR through a blog post, booktube video, tweet, or whatever other platform you enjoy — or you can just comment below saying you’ll be joining us! Half the fun is encouraging each other through the readathon, of course, so it would be a great added bonus if you’d consider joining us through the #Shortathon19 hashtag or following our readathon twitter account at @shortathon!

“What should my TBR look like?”

Your TBR can look like anything you deem “short”: novellas, graphic novels, manga, poetry collections, or just the shortest novels on your shelf — all that matters is that you’re focusing on quick reads! I’ll be posting my Short-a-thon TBR a bit closer to the readathon’s start date, so stay tuned!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Oh this sounds like fun! And I think I’m free all of the days (except for christmas celbrations etc) so I might participate 🙂


      1. That’s okay if they aren’t super short! Last year I remember some people just not reading anything over 400 pages or something like that. Whatever you like! 🙂 I hope you get the chance to join us!

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