April Haul: not QUITE as many free ebooks as last month, but…

May 6, 2020

It’s the end of another month, which means it’s time to talk about my haul for the month!





I had some really bad mental health days and went on an absolutely ridiculous e-ARC requesting/downloading spree. It is what it is. I almost didn’t even post my eARC haul this month because I feel so guilty over how many I acquired, but I’m trying really hard not to beat myself up, and I figured some of you might be interested in seeing them…? (And, in my defense, a lot of these were offered to me without my requesting them, which totally doesn’t make it any better, but in my brain, it does. ???)

Anyways, effective this week, I’m going back on an ARC ban! I’ll probably have a post coming out in the next week or so with the details on that, because I’m actually planning on making myself a list of strict rules I have to follow re: ARC requesting/accepting.


I had a couple of new new hauls this month, but mostly I placed a big order to the Ripped Bodice indie bookstore and finally got paperback copies of a bunch of my favorite romances! ♥


And for the freebies… ?‍♀️


  • Physical Library Loans:



What was your favorite thing you hauled this month — or if you didn’t haul anything, is there anything you hope to haul soon? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Wow, that’s a LOT of books! I also over-request when I’m having bad days. Net Galley makes it so easy to do.

      I am waiting on A Collection of Dreamscapes right now – I just read Sng’s first collection, and she is so good!

      1. It really does! I’m glad I’m not alone. And I’m so glad you liked Sng’s first collection! I haven’t read it yet but if I like Dreamscapes, I’ll definitely have to check that one out as well. 😀

    1. Oh wow so many review copies! I hope you will enjoy them all!


    1. I love Happily Ever After & Everything in between, it’s just so light, cute and fluffy- exactly what I need! I’m about to start the Crossroads at Midnight and I’m excited!!! I’m in a mystery/thriller/horror mode for the past few months, I don’t even know why ?

    1. Enjoy all of these! The only book I’ve received in the last month or so was a gift from a friend, which is my copy of The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I’m excited to finish it!

    1. Oh lord.. Welp! I’m gonna have fun scrolling books to add them to my virtual wanna read.. ahaha !
      You can do this! xx

      Ohh I love amnesia!! Well, watching it anyway XD I have both of them with machine for pigs and erm.. I still haven’t completed the first one.. ahaha — after a few minutes I get just so terrified ..

        1. Iknow right!! Like, movies you are just *watching* while when you play, you really ARE the one doing it- much more thrilling..

    1. Omg Destiny you got an arc of A Deadly Education!! I’m so jealous, it sounds amazing, I hope you love it! Do you think you’ll have time to read it before release?

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