August TBR (time to start two VERY anticipated series!)

August 1, 2022

Another month, another TBR ~

July was mostly a pretty booty trash month, especially because it was a million degrees every single day and night. My new meds make me really susceptible to heat exhaustion, so I spent most of the month grouchy, sickly, and tired. But I did read a lot, so that was a nice silver lining!

July goal check-in: 

  1. Read a short story everyday ❌ (I failed HARD at this lol)
  2. Read 20 books or more ✅ (I did it! I’m so proud!)
  3. Post 3+ blog tags ❌ (… nope, I forgot about this goal lol)

My goals for August are: 

  1. Catch up on ALL buddy/group reads (including the one my spouse and I have been working on since January lol)
  2. Read 50+ pages every day (I almost did this in July without trying, so it feels doable!)
  3. Post 3+ tags (yes, I’m repeating this goal since I have so many to catch up on!)

august’s picks:

Once again, most of my TBR picks for the month are buddy/group reads! 2022 has really been the year of ALL the buddy and group reads for me, and I’ve been loving it. ♥ I’m going to try to go back to making more manageable lists every month, so you might notice I’m referring to this month’s list as a TBR again instead of just a list of “hopefuls”! 😂

🌵 Under the Whispering Door // T.J. Klune: Books Out of the Blue is doing our first ever group read in August, and the group voted for this as our first pick! (As always, let me know if you’d like to join our discord server!)
🌵 House of Earth and Blood // Sarah J. Maas: FINALLY going to read this chonky boi, and I’m buddy reading it with Malli & Caro! 🥰
🌵 Kingdom of the Wicked // Kerri Maniscalco: I’m buddy reading this with Jordyn and SO freaking excited to finally start this series!
🌵 Lore & Lust // Karla Nikole: Malli and I have been meaning to buddy read this for a while. Just LOOK at that cover art 😭
🌵 The Girl from Rawblood // Catriona Ward: Ashley and I are continuing our current streak of buddy reading a Catriona Ward book every month! 🥳
🌵 The Haunting of Leigh Harker // Darcy Coates: TBR & Beyond’s horror BOTM!

🌵 Beautiful Atrocities // Ross Jeffery: I just got this ARC and I’m super excited to finally read Ross’ work!
🌵 Every Poem a Potion, Every Song a Spell // Stephanie Parent: You all know I love a good dark poetry collection!
🌵 Girls From the County // Donna Lynch: I LOVED Donna’s last collection Choking Back the Devil, so this might be the first thing I read from this list.
🌵 Return to the Black Farm // Elias Witherow: The TBR jar was benevolent and picked the brand new giveaway prize I won from Malka last week!
🌵 I’ll Be Gone in the Dark // Michelle McNamara: Another exciting TBR jar pick! I feel like the only one who hasn’t read this yet.
🌵 Beanstalker and Other Hilarious Scarytales // Kiersten White: This was one of my TBR jar picks for my summer TBR. I’m looking forward to some silly, spooky MG shenanigans.

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m so freaking excited about our buddy reads this month! So excited that my spouse is like, “Stop flailing around with excitement before you hurt yourself!” Lmao ?

    1. I can’t wait to see everyone’s thoughts on Under the Whispering Door!! I hope you enjoy Kingdom of the Wicked as much as I did!!

    1. Goodluck with your goal this month- feel free to tag me in tags, i’d love to partake too!! I dont quite remember when my last one was ?

      Some of the books do look quite good, have fun reading them xx

      1. Thanks, Tammy – so far, so good on the reading front this month! I’m really looking forward to I’ll Be Gone in the Dark (though I think it’ll be a bit emotional, knowing the author has passed)!

    1. Omg your tbr looks amazing, I can’t wait to hear what you think of Kingdom of the Wicked! I just read Wolfsong by T.J. Klune, have you read it? It’s as addicting as series like Captive Prince and The Foxhole Court but it has more of the vibes of The Raven Boys and The Wicker King, if that makes sense? But there is a trigger warning for kidnapping of a child, it’s not shown in the book but it is discussed. Other than that, I really think you’d love it and I highly recommend it!

      1. I’m SO excited for Kingdom of the Wicked! Oh my gosh Ellyn, Wolfsong has been on my mind SO much lately and I’ve been wanting to read it within the next few weeks or months, and then you come on here with this comment and I’m like, “Is this a sign from the universe?!” ? I LOVE this! I’m so glad you enjoyed it, I can’t wait even MORE to read it now!!!

    1. Good luck with your August TBR! Under the Whispering Door is SO so good, I hope you enjoy ❤️ Very hyped about our buddy read, House of Earth and Blood is slaying it so far ?

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