August recap time: so many 5-star reads!

September 5, 2023

It’s time for a look at my AUGUST reading life!

It’s time for another wrap-up/haul post — and some fun stats!

August was another very hot, very busy month, but hey, at least summer is almost over and cooler temps should be coming soon! Plus, August was a really good reading month: I read every single day and I had a LOT of 5-star reads, as you’ll see. I buddy read a ton of stuff and read a lot of ARCs (not as many as I intended to, but still). I don’t have a ton of updates to give for August other than the bookish ones, so let’s get on with it!

The month at a glance:

  • books completed: 25
  • books DNFed: 3
  • average rating: 4.3
  • best book: The Serpent and the Wings of Night
  • worst book: VenCo

What I read:

(each title link will direct you to my review for more thoughts!)

emoji key:
✨ review copy → 💞 buddy/group read → 🔁 re-read → 🎧 audiobook → 🍰 graphic novel/manga
🤷‍♀️ TBR jar → 🗓️ 2023 TBR → 🌻 seasonal TBR

5 stars

4 & 4.5 stars
3 & 3.5 stars

2 & 2.5 stars

1 & 1.5 stars
  • nothing this month!

VenCo is here and in the 2-star section because I did DNF it, but I read most of it, so I gave it a rating anyways.

And now, for some of my favorite recent hauls:


review copies:

How was your month? What was your favorite book you read or hauled, or what was something nice that happened in your life?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

        1. Thank you! I’ve been pushing through a lot of them and also finding some new ones I wouldn’t normally pick up. I do want to go read some books that aren’t e-arcs as well. It’s just been a big focus.

      1. It really was!! I hadn’t read a book from that author in a LONG time – I read a YA book of hers under the Danielle Vega name years ago and didn’t like it, so I was nervous to give her another try, but I loved Delicate Condition so much that now I’m really excited to check out more of her backlog!

    1. Always love when there’s a month with mostly 5 star reads! Makes one feel good about the books (even if there’s a dnf here and there lol).
      I’m sorry,they found puppets WHERE ok I’ll look at that.
      My sister and I are eying The September House as a buddy read so I’ll wait for your thoughts and see.
      Excited for Silent Key! It looks good!

    1. I’m honestly SO ready for Fall ? I still need to read House of Sky and Breath, I’m glad to see that you enjoyed it so much!! I also need to read Rule of Wolves – the sequel to King of Scars ?

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