Authors I Want to Read More From in 2019 [#Project14Lists no. 12]

December 29, 2018

(image credit goes to Shealea!)

This is my TWELFTH post in the #Project14Lists series, hosted by Shealea at That Bookshelf Bitch! You can find more information here, as well as a thread of my posts for the event here.

Previous #Project14Lists Posts:
1. Winter TBR
2. #Short-a-Thon: Graphic Novel/Manga Goals
3. 2019’s General “Life” Resolutions & Goals
4. 2019’s Reading Resolutions & Goals
5. 10 TV Shows I Want to Watch in 2019
6. Random Bookish Facts About Me!
7. 10 Movies I Want to Finally See in 2019
8. 2019 Releases I WISH I Could Find Under My Christmas Tree
9. 24 Books On My 2019 TBR
10. Reading Challenges & How I’m Sticking to Them in 2019!
11. 10 Games I Want to (re)Play in 2019

Today’s #Project14Lists post is…

Authors I Want to Read More From in 2019

As I mentioned in my reading resolutions post, I want to add one unread book from a previously loved author to every month’s TBR next year! In the spirit of preparing for that one (any guesses on what my January pick will be?), I thought I’d make a list of some of the authors I’ll be choosing from—and the books I haven’t read yet from them! (Obviously, I won’t read every book I’m listing here, these are just my options!)

Image result for jay kristoff1. JAY KRISTOFF

books unread:
– godsgrave
– stormdancer
– kinslayer
– endsinger


Image result for victoria schwab

books unread:
– this savage song
– our dark duet
– the archived
– the unbound
– vengeful
– the near witch
(these aren’t all of my unread books of hers, just the ones I’m interested in.)

Image result for anna-marie mclemore3. ANNA-MARIE MCLEMORE

books unread:
– when the moon was ours
– the weight of feathers


Image result for jonathan janzbooks unread:
– children of the dark
– exorcist falls
– house of skin
– wolf land
– the nightmare girl
– dust devils
– the darkest lullaby
– castle of sorrows

Image result for marissa meyer5. MARISSA MEYER

books unread:
– winter
– stars above
– heartless
– wires and nerve, vol. 1
– wires and nerve, vol. 2
– renegades
– archenemies


Image result for kealan patrick burkebooks unread:
– blanky
– the tent
– jack & jill
– milestone: the collected stories
– dead of winter
– ravenous ghosts
– midlisters
– master of the moors
(this isn’t even all of them but I made myself stop.)

Image result for maggie stiefvater7. MAGGIE STIEFVATER

books unread:
– the scorpio races
– shiver
– linger
– forever
– sinner
– lament
– ballad


Image result for seanan mcguirebooks unread:
– the girl in the green silk gown
– discount armageddon (and the rest of the incryptid series)
– rosemary and rue (and the rest of the october daye series)
– dusk or dark or dawn or day
– feed (and the rest of the newsflesh series)
– parasite
– rolling in the deep/into the drowning deep
– final girls
(again, I made myself stop here.)


books unread:
– bad for the boss
– undone by the ex-con
– sweet on the greek
– untouchable


Image result for cassandra clarebooks unread:
– city of heavenly fire
– the mortal instruments manga
– the infernal devices manga
– lady midnight (and the rest of the dark artifices series)
– the bane chronicles
– tales from the shadowhunter academy
– the shadowhunter’s codex

New goal for 2019: when I redo this list at the end of next year for authors I want to catch up on in 2020, it needs to be WAY more diverse!

If you have any marginalized authors with multiple releases (preferably 3+!) you’d like to recommend I catch up on in 2019, PLEASE let me know in the comments, and tell me which of their books I should read first! ♥


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. The Scorpio Races was probably my favourite book I read this year. Maggie’s back catalogue is so wonderful to read, I highly recommend it!!

      1. Ohh that’s awesome!! I started the audiobook for it a little while back but just didn’t have the time to read much of it. I think I got about 15-20% in and really enjoyed it so far, though, so I’m excited to continue it!

    1. I absolutely have Jay Kristoff and Seanan on my list too. Technically I can include Schwab because I haven’t read her duology and I got the second book for Christmas so it’s time! Great list.

    1. Jay Kristoff and VE Scwhab are on my list for authors I want to read more from, too!
      For diverse reads, I recommend the following :
      When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
      Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom
      Anything and everything by Becky Albertalli
      Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles
      I’m sure there are many more I could mention, but I only started using a ‘diverse books’ shelf on Goodreads this year.
      Enjoy the last few days of 2018 🙂

      1. Kristoff and Schwab are definitely two of my faves. They’re so good!
        Thank you for the recommendation! I keep forgetting I have a copy of Tyler Johnson Was Here that I need to read soon. 🙂
        You too, Lexxie! ♥

    1. For Godsgrave, I definitely recommend waiting until closer to Darkdawn release (September 2019 as of now?) – I read Nevernight & GG right when GG was released, anddddd I forgot so much. I plan to reread them before Darkdawn because that series is SO GOOD. (GG wasn’t as good as NN, imo, but still very good!)
      And I look forward to you reading more Cassie Clare 😉
      I also lovedddd Heartless by Marissa Meyer – its a standalone, which is nice because less commitment. Not everyone liked it, so its a hit or miss, but as a huge Alice in Wonderland fan, I adored her retelling of the Queen of Hearts!

      1. Thank you for the heads up! I’m actually planning on rereading Nevernight before picking up Godsgrave, so that should help me put it off until a little closer to Darkdawn’s release! 😀
        I love a good standalone, and while I’m not a huge Alice in Wonderland fan, I ADORE retellings—for some reason, while the original story doesn’t work well for me, I think the setting and characters do, if that makes sense. So I’m looking forward to Heartless for sure!!

        1. One beautiful thing about Godsgrave is, it actually HAS a summary of the last book in the front of it! Just a little reminder of who is who and what they did – I wish more books did that!
          Retellings are wonderful! Can’t wait to see what you think of Heartless when you read it~ (I also liked the audiobook of it, but I’m a huge fan of the narrator (Rebecca Soler) who does narration for alllll of Marissa Meyer’s books!)

          1. That’s awesome! I wish more books did that, too. 🙂
            Oh, nice! I haven’t checked out the audio for any of her books yet except Fairest—if it’s the same narrator, I really liked how she did Fairest!

    1. Oohh nice list! I’m very interested in reading more by Jay Kristoff – I bought Lifel1k3 when it first came out and haven’t read it yet but def looking forward to it.
      In terms of more diverse authors, I’m just throwing some names out there in case you wanted to take a look at who have a fair amount of books out: Nnedi Okarafor, Claudie Arseneault, J.Y Yang (The Tensorate Series are all novellas so super quick to get through and REALLY GOOD), N.K Jemisin (Lauren @ Northern Plunder’s Books and Tea group is doing a read of the Broken Earth trilogy in 2019!), Nisi Shawl, Aliette de Bodard (also really great novellas), Kaia Sonderby. 🙂

      1. Thank you! I hope you like LIFEL1K3. It isn’t my favorite of Kristoff’s work but it’s really fun and has some great laugh out loud moments. 🙂
        Thank you so much, this list is amazing! ♥ And on Nnedi’s books, I’m actually planning on reading the first Binti book by the end of the month and I can’t wait!

    1. I’m itching to read more by Jay Kristoff! I’m yet to read anything by VE Scwhab though, definitely on my list for 2019! I’ve been meaning to read Lady Midnight for the longest time too, I’ve read nothing but glowing reviews about it ?
      Evie x |

        1. I have a copy of ‘A Darker Shade of Magic’ already, but would love to read Vicious too!

    1. I have a lot of these on my list as well like Cassandra Clare, Jay Kristoff, Seanan McGuire, and Kealan Patrick Burke to name a few.

    1. Marissa Meyer would be on my list too. Also Roshani Chokshi – I’ve only read one of her books and there are like, 3 more to read, plus one coming out in 2019.

    1. What a great list! A lot of amazing authors on here :3 I’m hoping to read some of Schwab’s & Meyer’s work; from excerpts I’ve read and things I’ve heard, their books sound so good and I can’t wait to see how I’ll enjoy them! ?

    1. this is such a lovely list!! one of my goals for 2019 is to read more victoria schwab!! to this day, i have not read a single one of her books, which my friends assure me is bookish blasphemy lol.

    1. Some great authors to read more of. I still need to read The Near Witch. I am very pleased that is being rerelased this year!

      1. Thank you! Ugh, he’s so good. I also loved LIFEL1K3. ♥ I read the first chapter of Stormdancer earlier this month but it doesn’t read like his usual writing style AT ALL so I set it aside until I’m more in the mood for it.

        1. I reaaally hope that one comes out of my jar this month but since I’m not even halfway through Godsgrave, it’s.. pretty much the question whether I’ll pull out a third book yes or no. :’)
          I can’t even imagine him writing differently than what I know so far?! Yikes!

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