Authors I Want to Start Loving in 2019 [#Project14Lists no. 13]

December 30, 2018

(image credit goes to Shealea!)

This is my THIRTEENTH post in the #Project14Lists series, hosted by Shealea at That Bookshelf Bitch—just one more to go! You can find more information here, as well as a thread of my posts for the event here.

Previous #Project14Lists Posts:
1. Winter TBR
2. #Short-a-Thon: Graphic Novel/Manga Goals
3. 2019’s General “Life” Resolutions & Goals
4. 2019’s Reading Resolutions & Goals
5. 10 TV Shows I Want to Watch in 2019
6. Random Bookish Facts About Me!
7. 10 Movies I Want to Finally See in 2019
8. 2019 Releases I WISH I Could Find Under My Christmas Tree
9. 24 Books On My 2019 TBR
10. Reading Challenges & How I’m Sticking to Them in 2019!
11. 10 Games I Want to (re)Play in 2019
12. Authors I Want to Read More From in 2019

Today’s #Project14Lists post is…

Authors I Want to Start Loving in 2019

Since yesterday’s post featured authors I already love and want to read MORE from next year, today’s post is about authors I’ve never read anything by, but have a strong suspicion I’ll love! ♥

For the sake of challenging myself, none of these are 2019 debuts!
(Though I may have a list like that coming soon, too!)


Image result for ania ahlborn
adult horror author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– brother
– the bird eater
– the devil crept in
… and more!


Alyssa Cole

adult romance author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– a princess in theory
– a duke by default
– once ghosted, twice shy
… and more!


Image result for alisha rai author

adult romance author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– hate to want you
– wrong to need you
– hurts to love you


Patrick Rothfuss
adult fantasy author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– name of the wind
– the wise man’s fear
– the slow regard of silent things


Image result for nnedi okoraforadult sci-fi author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– binti
– home
– the night masquerade
– akata witch
(I’m still hoping to read Binti before Shortathon ends, actually!)


Image result for claire kann

YA contemporary author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– let’s talk about love
– if it makes you happy


Image result for cindy pon

YA SFF author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– serpentine
– sacrifice
– want
– ruse


Zoraida Córdova

YA fantasy author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– labyrinth lost
– bruja born


Image result for julie kagawaYA fantasy author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– shadow of the fox
– the iron king
– talon
– the immortal rules
… and more!

10. T.J. KLUNE


new adult/adult romance/fantasy author
books I hope to love in 2019:
– wolfsong
– ravensong
– blasphemy!
… and more!

Are you already a fan of any of these authors? If so, let me know in the comments what book of theirs you think I should read first!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Awww, excellent. 😀 I’m excited for both of them, so thank you for the extra nudge to hurry up and read them! The first Binti novella was on my Short-a-thon TBR, and it ends tonight, so if I can, I’m going to try to read it at some point today, and then I’m supposed to read the other 2 novellas before the full trilogy bind-up releases in February for a review spot I was asked to do, so at least I’ll be getting to them very soon!

    1. I hope you like Nnedi she’s a brilliant writer. Lets talk about love is the cutest book ever !!! What i have listened to so far , the name of the wind promises an epic adventure I hope you like it.

      1. Oh awesome, I’m gonna try to read Binti today so that’s good to hear!! And I’m excited for Let’s Talk About Love but I hadn’t heard about it being so cute so that’s exciting. 🙂

    1. The Name of The Wind is pretty good but personally, I don’t want to continue on with the series until the third book comes out (if that ever happens).

      1. Understandable! I read last night that he said in an interview that the current state of US politics is why he hasn’t put out the third book yet, that it’s just had him in such poor mental health he hasn’t been able to focus well enough to finish it up. 🙁 I hope he’s able to soon but I guess I can’t say I fault him since it is pretty depressing over here lol.

        1. Yeah, I do believe that the book will be published at some point but, being the pessimist that I am, I don’t think it will be anytime soon. I mean, they call this guy the new GRR Martin for a reason.

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