Born Under a Good Sign — Kristy Robinett

November 15, 2019

43626379TITLE: Born Under a Good Sign: Make the Most of Your Astrological Sign
AUTHOR: Kristy Robinett
GENRE: Nonfiction/Astrology
PAGES: 240pg
SOURCE: Publisher

Set yourself up for better relationships and a bright future with Born Under a Good Sign, the uncomplicated guide to astrological sun signs. This book strips away the woo-woo and technical charts, leaving only the most useful and clear information on each sun sign’s traits and tendencies. With sensible explanations and playful stories, Kristy Robinett provides everything you need to understand the larger impacts of the signs. You’ll learn about planetary influences, communication styles, strengths and challenges, the masculine and feminine energy of each sign, and much more. Kristy also reveals how to handle difficult situations that arise with partners, parents, friends, and children. Featuring indispensable advice that isn’t limited to any particular year, Born Under a Good Sign is perfect for improving your life and relationships.

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I love books on astrology, but I’ve never found one I loved this much. Robinett knows her stuff, and knows how to put it across in a relatable and easy-to-understand manner. While this might be a bit of an information overload if you tried to read it cover-to-cover in a day, it would make an absolutely amazing reference book to keep on your shelves (or e-reader, whichever).

When reading books about astrology, one fun thing I like to do is to look up myself and each of my immediate family members and see how much the bits on our signs match up. For example, my spouse is a Gemini who doesn’t fit Gemini rules at all, so I was entertained to see that, yet again, the Gemini blurbs didn’t fit them. On the other hand, my running joke is that “I’m the Libra-est Libra you’ll ever meet,” and I was sitting here reading this book and literally fussing to my spouse across the room, saying, “I feel so called out right now!” haha.

Seriously though, this book is incredibly accurate and informative, but even more than that, it’s a really fun read that offers a ton of insight into why we are the way that we are. While Robinett explains things in a way that I think will make perfect sense to the greenest newcomer to astrology studies, she does it in a way that won’t bore someone who already knows a lot about how the signs work.

I recommend this to absolutely anyone and everyone who has any interest at all in astrology, and I’ve already pre-ordered a physical copy to have on my own shelf!

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
c o n t e n t – w a r n i n g s →

d i v e r s i t y →

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If you’re brand new to astrology or a seasoned follower of the stars, I guarantee Kristy will teach you something new, or at least make you laugh!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Hi, love!!! I just got back from my break, so I’m catching up with your posts, and OMG, I find this book that sounds amazing, I love astrology so I’m immediately adding it to my TBR. Hope you’re having the most amazing month, beautiful ❤️❤️

    1. I am so extremely confused about astrology but it’s something I’m really interested in! Every time I try to learn about it I end up getting overwhelmed and more confused. I’ll have to look into this book and hopefully start finally understand some of it!

      1. It is super overwhelming sometimes! Especially when you get into all the houses and everything. I just bought a 3-ring binder and I’m gonna put dividers in it and start taking notes and hopefully try to get a grasp on at least all of the basics ?

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