December Haul: waaaay too many ebooks and video games!

December 27, 2019

As usual, click the titles for GR links~ ♥







We got the Humble Bundle Jingle Jam deal, so I hauled a LOT of Steam games, but sadly, most of them weren’t interesting at all, so I’m only going to list the ones I’m actually excited about. And then, of course, there were the holiday Steam sales… ?

What was your favorite thing you hauled this month — or if you didn’t haul anything, is there anything you hope to haul soon? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

        1. So far it is a more “quiet” plot so far but I like that it’s based on Persian myth and I like the rappacini’s daugther plotline with the girl being poisonous. I’ll keep you posted 🙂

    1. I loved Crier’s War! Also there are review copies of audiobooks?!?!?! I need those, I would get through so many more ARC/Review Copies if they were audio!

      Great Haul as always and definitely can’t wait to hear some of your thoughts on these!

      1. Yeeeee, I can’t wait to read it! And yes, I got them from’s reviewer program! I have no idea what all countries it’s available in but I’m crossing my fingers for you ??

        Thank you, doll!

    1. I got SO MANY GAMES from Steam’s Winter Sale! I keep all my credit from selling/trading stuff in the marketplace for when they have big ones, and love going ham, hahah. Two Point Hospital is one of my fav new additions!!

    1. Happy belated Christmas, Destiny <3 I hope you and your family had a lovely time and I'm sending you all lots and lots of love <3 <3

      It looks like you've got so many fantastic books to read! I am super hyped to read Cemetery Boys and praying I can my hands on an ARC of it somehow! For Christmas I got some BEAUTIFUL books which I may do a post about if I get time tomorrow: I got a hardback copy of The Electric State, the illustrated Goblet of Fire (cries over bad timing), American Cosmic which is an ethnography which I am very excited about, and Notes on a Thesis which is a super cute comic/graphic novel about doing a PhD; and a paperback copy of The Ascent to Godhood and a cute MG book about bird-watching.

      Games-wise I got The Sims 4 Discover University & the Fame expansion which I have been playing the HELL out of, Pokemon Sword, and AC: Odyssey! Looks like you've also got a lot of cool games in the humble bundle which should keep you busy as well 😉

      1. Merry belated Christmas to you too, love, and happy new year! I hope 2020 treats you well <3

        Ahh, those sound excellent! Lol at the "cries over bad timing", I feel you ?? And I hope you're able to get a copy of Cemetery Boys! I would send you mine to share if I could! ♥

        AC:O sounds so cool, is it good? ?

    1. Destiny, I LOOOOVE The Wolf Among Us!! I hope you’ll post about it when you play. 🙂 I hauled Pokemon Sword this month and have been spending most of my time on that, since I’ve been in a bit of a book slump.

Say hello! ♥

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