December TBR: closing out 2019 with diverse reads & Short-a-thon!

December 4, 2019

I can’t believe it’s already December! I know everyone always says that every December, but seriously, where has this year gone? ? Anyways, on one hand, work looks like it might be extra stressful this month, but on the other hand, my final school assignment is due tonight and then I’m done with the semester, soooo maybe I can get some solid reading time in this month? ?

The themes this month are…

  1. Diverse December — come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we focus on diverse reads!
  2. Short-a-thon — from December 21st to 31st, I’ll be reading as many “quick” reads as possible! I didn’t want to bog down this post with a long list, though, so my Short-a-thon TBR will come later this month.

And of course, there’s always the risk of an Unexpected Readathon Time announcement!

Finally, don’t forget that #ARCApocalypse starts next month, so start getting your ARC TBR lists ready!

Now, on to my TBR!

? buddy/group reads | ✨ review copy | ? graphic novels/manga |
? poetry | ? audiobook | ? kindle unlimited |
? reread | ? diverse december


Leftover from November:


Current Library Loans:


Monthly Goals:

  • previous month’s goals:
    • host a successful Unexpected Readathon ✅
    • finish all library check-outs before they expire ✅
    • stay on track with my Capturing the Devil buddy read ❌
  1. Read at least 15 books for Short-a-thon
  2. Read 1 holiday romance and 1 holiday horror
  3. Clear all current reads by 11:59PM on December 31st

What book on your TBR are you most excited to read this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I just finished 10 blind dates, really enjoyable! And I also hope to read gideon the ninth this month!
      Enjoy your reading!


    1. Curious to hear what you think of Ghoster! I enjoyed it but it wasn’t as good as Arnopp’s first book.

      1. I really LOVED the first 100 pages, but now it’s like I’m having such a hard time motivating myself to pick it back up and I don’t know why! I’m going on a trip this weekend and also have the eARC so maybe I’ll finally finish it haha.

    1. I am so so SO excited for you to read Gideon the Ninth! The Boss Who Stole Christmas is cute ^_^ I have a review coming out for all the books in the series soon. I think once you read the first book you’ll want to read about the other couples too haha, it is handy that the books are 100 pages or less.
      Ghoster… I couldn’t do it. I hope you are enjoying it more than I did.

      1. I can’t wait to read Gideon! And I can’t wait to see your series review. I read the first book last night and loved it. It wasn’t a perfect 5-star read for me but I was super entertained and definitely do want to read the rest of the series this month! 😀

        Ghoster, I’m 100pg in and loved it so far but now it’s like I just can’t motivate myself to pick it back up. 🙁

      1. Thank you!! I hope you love 10 Blind Dates!! I might have to start it tomorrow – I’m going on a little family trip for the weekend and it sounds like a good one to read on a Christmas vacation haha!

      1. Dude… I know the whole author debacle was a weird thing but I honestly have such mixed views on the whole ordeal that went down, and I wanted to read this so badly, I HAD to give it a chance, and I’m loving it so far. ?‍♀️ Sometimes I just have to take a step back from the whole booktwitter drama bubble and remember that authors are humans and just because they do things we don’t like sometimes doesn’t mean they’re trash!

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