DISCUSSION: Reading Schedules

June 23, 2018

There’s something I’ve been giving a try in my personal reading life lately, that I’d like to get your thoughts on! And that subject is SCHEDULED READING.

Related image

If you’re not familiar with scheduled reading, it’s pretty self-explanatory: you map out what pages or chapters you’ll read on any given day, typically ahead of time. You might do this for…

• buddy reads (so that everyone is on the same page – literally)
• an ARC you need to review soon (but don’t want to binge read)
• that one current read you keep putting off finishing
all of your current reads!

I used to only do it for buddy reads, but lately, I’ve been trying my hand at doing it for all of my current reads, since I read multiple books at a time. Even if you only read ONE book at a time, it can still be very helpful!

Image result for schedule gif

It typically looks something like this:

day 1: chapters 1-12
day 2: chapters 13-24
day 3: chapters 25-31 (the end!)

The reason it works so well for some people is because it gives you a clear, attainable goal to work towards. For people like me, who can get caught up in social media spirals and neglect my reading throughout the day, the schedule works well because I can tell myself, “No Facebook scrolling until I finish today’s readings!” or whatever.

Related image(^ actual footage of me every time one of you comments on anything I do. ??)

On the other hand, the down side is that it can begin to feel like a chore, especially if you’re a mood reader who only likes to pick up books when you’re in The Reading Zone™.

Scheduling my readings has worked great for me lately! I’ve been using it for most of my current reads at any given time, and here’s how I do it:

1. check the page count or chapter count of a book I’m starting
2. determine the day I’d like to finish it
3. divide the pages/chapters by the number of days
4. write that shit down! (I use Google Calendar and/or spreadsheets for mine)
*4b. try not to do it for 8 books at once like I do because then your Google Calendar starts to cry a little

calendar.png(Just look at the poor thing, it’s overwhelmed.)

So… yeah! That’s how I schedule my readings. It not only causes me to read a lot more in any given day, but it also helps prevent starting a book on the 1st of the month, reading 50 pages, and then setting it aside and forgetting it until the 28th or so.

(This happens a lot.)

What about you guys? Do you schedule your readings – or do you think you’ll try it out, after reading this? Let me know what you think!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I just pick up a book and focus on that book till I finish, usually. Unless, I feel like reading something different. Literally my life is just mood reading. But I would like to try schedule reading, both because I could get a lot of reading done and because I like being organised :3
      Your Calendar is filled to the brim! 😮 But I like the planning and colours side of it…. I’ll schedule for the colours XD

      1. That’s how I used to always read, too! I used to never, ever make TBRs or ANYTHING – I only started making them last summer, I think. I never thought TBRs would work for me because, in my first few TBRs I posted on this blog, I only read maybe 1/3 of each list by the time the month ended, but the longer I’ve been doing it, it’s weird but it just works *so* well for my reading! And thank you haha, I love color coordinating things~

    1. I’ve never scheduled my reading, but may have to for buddy reads. I just read a couple times a day and more if I have the time or if I really want to finish the book.

      1. I love scheduling buddy reads! I don’t mind doing “go at your own pace” BRs, but I usually make *myself* a schedule even if the other person isn’t using a schedule, just because without a schedule I can get really bad about letting BRs go neglected and then I feel guilty haha!

    1. I’ve done this with big classics like The Complete Sherlock Holmes when I kept putting it to the side. With buddy reads we usually agree to read a specficic amount of pages or chapters, talk and then agree on the next bit.

      1. Oh yeah, it works great for big classics! Or big books in general. One of the other mods in Life & Lit, Kathy, and I are talking about doing a breakdown group read of IT by Stephen King this October since it’s so huge. 😮

    1. I schedule the books I’m planning to read during the month, but I’ve never broken it down into daily chapters. I’m going to try it, I need to read more! Thanks for the idea?

    1. I’ve never done this before but I honestly don’t think I ever could. I’m such a mood reader and between that and reading multiple books at once I just kind of read whatever I want whenever I want. Which is probably the reason it takes me a long time to finish books…. but I think if I had a goal set everyday for reading it definitely would become a chore for me. I tried just picking out the books I was going to read in a month once and that was a total fail hahaha. I totally wish I could do this though!!

    1. This is a great concept and I really see it working for some people. I’m more of a mood type reader. I usually put aside a block of time to read then just leisurely read from whichever current book i like the most. I usually read while im eating and then for an hour before bed, but if i have a big commitment i set aside an extra hour everyday. Id like to look into a more structured reading schedule though.

      1. Understandable! 😀 I will probably try to go back to that sort of reading style once I finish grad school. Right now it’s like I have to be strict with my time management or I don’t get ANYTHING done!

    1. I don’t formally schedule anything, but I tend to have an idea in mind of how much I’d like to read in a day. The problem is, I tend to seriously overestimate how much I will be able to manage. I only read one book at at time, so I can generally judge how many days it will take me (2-3 days for a 300-400 page book). Like you said, scheduling exactly when I was going to read would start to feel like a chore and it would immediately put me off.

    1. The only reading I schedule is for buddy reads otherwise i’m heading straaaaight into a slump. I’m a huuuge mood reader but also read one book at a time. I’m glad it works for you though ?

    1. I’m not very good at TBR’s I think I just get overwhelmed with books I “have” to read, but for some reason I have no problem with saying I need to read an ARC. I think it’s because my mind changes to “professional reading” mode. I get what you mean above social media spiraling. I really need to try scheduling like you for that same reason!

      1. Ooooh yeah, that totally makes sense! That was a huge problem with TBRs for the first several months that I tried making them. I’m not really sure what shifted but I think it was probably just starting to make smaller TBRs and leaving myself room for plenty of mood reading. My July TBR is huge and I feel like I may regret it, lol.

        1. I think I will try this again. I want to get back to at least 8 books a month loll. And probably not get on social media before reading, too >.>

    1. Oooh, I might have to try this for my rereads of books! Lately I’ve been struggling on rereading books (in particular the Grishaverse trilogy), because I keep getting distracted by new books I haven’t read before! I love using my planner so hopefully I can get myself to stick to some sort of schedule…
      Great discussion post! 🙂

    1. Oooh I might try this, I have been feeling a bit neglected in my reading, some days I read and there would be a 3 day gap of nothing. Thank you xx

      1. That was my problem recently too, Steph! I keep a page tracker in my bullet journal and there’s a 7-day span at the end of May where I only read 25 pages each on 2 days, and nothing on the other 5. It was rough lol!

    1. I’ve done this in the past and it works for me, but I can’t do it for long periods of time it seems. I like to do it with arcs so I know I will read on time but I need more motivation for my tbr!

      1. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep it up, either! I could definitely see it causing burnout after a while. I love it for ARC motivation, though – especially when it comes to titles I’m no longer super excited for.

            1. YESSSS. It’s like having lists and sheets and reminders everywhere makes me feel like I have some semblance of control in life, which, HA. FALSE.

    1. I read as I go. So, if the mood strikes in the morning, boom, then I’m reading. If the mood strikes at night, boom. It works for me. Scheduling it would take the joy out of it for me, especially when reading multiple books.
      But, I’m happy it works for you.

    1. I get reading schedules…But then I don’t. I read so much for pleasure and while I know I should bre reading instead of procrastinating, I find even If I don’t read for a whole month (like this June!) thats okay because I don’t want to force myself? But you do you!

      1. That makes sense, Ilsa! For me, if I go more than 2 days or so without reading, I start stressing out and missing it. I can’t tell how much of that is just because of my blog and knowing I need to keep reviews going, or how much is how big my TBR is, or how much is just me *wanting* to read everyday, but either way, I tried overcoming it and have since realized I just have to accept it and work with it rather than fighting the anxiety, lmao!

    1. Great post, I’ve never thought of using a reading schedule before but it seems like a really great idea especially as I also read multiple books at the same time. I’ll definitely need to give this a try 🙂

    1. I don’t think I even knew this was a thing! I am such a one book binge reader at a time that I think scheduling would be a moot point for me, I usually just read when I feel like it and then when I get hooked I do nothing else (eat, pee, sleep) until I’ve finished it hahah so I imagine if I scheduled anything I’d be like “this schedule can’t tell me what to do!” and then read the whole book in one sitting

      1. I wish I still could binge read like that! That was me for such a long time but now I can almost never sit down and just binge read a book from start to finish and it makes me so sad 🙁

    1. The most of a reading schedule that I do is I have my reading order planned out to coincide with a review publishing schedule that I put together each month. This has worked WONDERS and alleviates the stress I feel with ARCs, but I do need to get better about putting a book down for a bit if it doesn’t inspire me to read. I am still very much a book monogamist, and when a slump happens it takes almost a week for me to give up and try something else.

      1. That’s such a good idea! I’ve been thinking about trying something similar with plotting out my review publishing schedule. Do you use a spreadsheet or calendar or something?

    1. Honestly, this is probably the answer to my current problem. But I am so afraid it will only compound things by feeling like a chore. I told myself I am going to start with setting aside completely unplugged blocks of reading time. If that fails, I will reference back to your schedule haha ❤?

      1. I hope one of those two things works for you, friend! ♥ I think the unplugging idea is a very good one. Sometimes I will do the same – I put my phone on do not disturb, shut down my laptop, and take my ass to the couch instead of reading at my desk haha.

          1. That is 100% what I wish I could do today, lmao. I’m so exhausted because my son decided to get up suuuuper early, and I’m behind on my reading schedule, and all I want is to curl up in bed and read and nap all day!

    1. I might have to start scheduling my reading with the amount of damn library books I keep borrowing each month. It’s stressing me out!!
      Unfortunately my organised side always battles with my “don’t tell me how to live my life” side, even if the person telling me what to do is my past self ?

      1. BAHAHA I feel this so hard! I still struggle with that even as I am getting used to the schedules. But for some reason, the scheduling in and of itself makes me feel SO accomplished… it’s weird. And I also feel you on library books – I had to actually ban myself from the library unless I’m picking up a book to read IMMEDIATELY, because otherwise I just check out 10 and then go read my personal collection. -_-

        1. It’s the whole ticking things off as done mentality. If I have loads of things I need to do in a day I make a check list and I’m 100% more motivated to do it all.
          I just did up a reading schedule because I’ve got 6 books due on the 6th that I need to read ??‍♀️ so far so good! If it goes well then I might continue it now that I’m dedicated the rest of the year to reading library books. But I have some blacklisted arcs I really do need to fit in somewhere.
          I’m usually pretty good at reading books borrowed from the library first since they do have a time limit on them ahah my problem is that I borrow too much at once, and then put holds on and they all are magically available at the same time ?

          1. Yessss, checklists. There’s something so incredibly comforting about marking things off of your list!
            Yay, I’m glad it’s working out for you so far! I really hope it continues to help! 😀
            Lmao, the hold thing – I feel that, too. Last summer I went on a big graphic novel reading kick and, at one point, put something like 25 different graphic novels on hold… 18 or so showed up on the same day. 😐 At least they were quick reads being GNs, BUT STILL! haha

            1. Graphic Novels are good to power through quickly! I read almost exclusively GNs in December last year because it’s my busiest month of the year and I knew I wouldn’t have time to read. I was able to read I think at least one for each day of the month!

            1. That’s a great idea! They’re such a good way to keep yourself from slumping or getting out of the habit of reading when you’re too busy for full novels.

    1. Ooh, I love this idea! (I highly relate to that Tina Fey gif haha) I’ve never thought to use my Google calendar in that way! I’m totally going to steal that idea 🙂

    1. A reading schedule would be super helpful for working through my TBR ( so. many. books. ) but I’m sooo lazy I’m not sure it would even work for me. Great post!

    1. Hmm I don’t even know people do this! I don’t really schedule my reads, life tend to come up with surprises and I don’t like seeing unchecked things on my to do list ahaha. I tend to just plan to read certain amount of pages, but in a very loose sense, so even if I fail, it doesn’t affect me that much 😀

      1. Yeah, I don’t feel like it’s super common judging by the responses to this post! 🙂 I just did it for buddy reads originally and my best friend started doing it to help her out of a slump, and I just thought it was a great idea! I can totally see how it wouldn’t work for everyone, though!

    1. This was so interesting and a great reminder to me to start scheduling my reading again. I used to do it every day when I had school but, I haven’t done it in so long!
      I will definitely be scheduling my reading again soon!

    1. I don’t really schedule my reading, per se. But I have set days for blogging, which are Mondays and Fridays. I read in between all that time. I do try and keep in my backpack, at least 3 books that I do want to read if I forget my Kindle so I have some sort of system. lol.

      1. I legit used to ALWAYS carry at least 2 books in my purse everywhere I went! Now I just make myself limit it to 1 book unless I’m going for a long car ride or something, and otherwise I read on my kindle or the kindle app on my phone!

        1. Oh man, that would make me so nervous to only carry one book. The OCD in me is like “but what if you finish this book and the book after.” Even if I have my kindle, I have to carry at least 3 books and pack just as many if I go on a trip. Which I don’t know why because I have at least 25 unread titles on my Kindle.

          1. Oh yeah, that’s super understandable! I have it easy on that aspect because I’m just very rarely out and about for long – I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t commute to work or anything, and it’s very rare that I get to go on trips anywhere haha

    1. I use Leio to track my reading and it has a function like this (a calendar, where you can choose when you want to finish books by). I should try to take advantage of it more! I’m interested in seeing how scheduling my reading would help me (or not, haha).

        1. Omg I love it!! It’s a reading app! It times your reading, so it tells you how much time you have left in a book by estimating from what you’ve read already. You can record by page number, percentage, or location (if reading an ebook). I find it super helpful for keeping me on track and for figuring out how long it’ll really take me to read something!

            1. Sure thing! My friend Rachel recommended it to me. 🙂 Let me know if you like it!

    1. I never schedule reading time. It’s sounds.. weird? Probably because I simply read all the time as soon as I have time, haha. The only sort of “scheduled” reading time I have, is when the boyfriend has his Dragon Age session and I hop along with a pile of books. Then I know I’ll be reading the entire afternoon, but I’m still not.. deciding up front what to read and what goals to reach? Eh. Maybe if I ever mess up my current reads as bad as you did, I’ll feel the need to try it, haha. 😀

      1. Yeah, I could see that. I used to be like that before Isaac got old enough to be into everything! Now it’s hard to find reading time except after he goes to bed – which is really shit lately, because now his new thing is waking up SUPER FUCKING EARLY. 🙁

        1. NOOOO. Why does he do that? Bad Isaac! You should sleep in. Enjoy it now you still can before that stupid alarm clock decides to wake you up way too early for school every day! D:

    1. I don’t really schedule my reads in a spreadsheet but I do like to schedule it for buddy reads. Regular reading, I just try to aim for two hours of reading (although it barely goes to plan).

      1. Having a timed goal for each day sounds like a great method! I’ve been thinking lately that, if I stop scheduling my readings, I may try something like that, too.

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